2: Don't Miss

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Third Person POV

"Watch your head buddy." Brian said, putting his son into the backseat and buckling him into his car seat. "You ready bud? There we go."

Jack threw his toy car out of the van and Brian went to pick it up, handing it back to him.

"Hey buddy, cars don't fly."

"Cars don't fly!" Jack exclaimed as his father chuckled at him.

"That one did though, didn't it, little man?"

Brian glanced to the front of the house where Mia was just coming out.

"Dom! There's a package out here for you!" She called to her brother. "From Tokyo."

"Tokyo? What, is Han trying to convert me over to a Turbo charger?"

The siblings shared a laugh and looked to the mini van where Brian was still interacting with Jack while waiting for his wife.

"Brian in a mini van." Dom said, wonder in his voice. "Things have changed."

"He's struggling Dom." Mia said with sadness in hers. "He doesn't want anyone to see it. The white picket fence is more like an anchor to him, I can tell. I tried to talk to him and you know what he said? He doesn't miss the girls, or the cars. He misses..." She looked pained before admitting what was bothering her. "The bullets."

"Give him time." Dom suggested.

"How does nine months sound?" Mia nodded as Dom looked at her with curiosity. She smiled. "I'm having another baby."

"You didn't tell him, did you? You gotta."

Mia looked to Brian and Jack before letting her brother catch her worried gaze.

"I don't want him to be disappointed in his life with me."

"You're the best thing that ever happened to him." He told her.

Dom's cell rang and he answered it without checking to see who was on the other side.


"Dominic Toretto. You don't know me, but you're about to."

Dom glanced at the caller ID as the British voice hung up. It was from Tokyo, but sounded nothing like Han. Dom was pretty sure he knew no one else in that part of the world.

His gaze turned to the house before looking horror struck at Mia. He pulled her down the steps and tackled her to the ground, taking care with her not yet showing stomach.

"Get down!" He yelled.

Brian slammed the van door shut just in time. The bomb inside the box exploded, smashing into the window with enough force to break the glass.

"Jack! Jack!" Mia ran to the van to check on her son. Both mom and dad soothed the little boys cries.

Dom looked at what had been their home. Rage was evident on his face. Whoever had done this would pay dearly.

*** Dom POV - Later that day

I entered the hallway from the elevator, looking for Elena. Brian, Mia and Jack were on their way to safety, staying with a trusted friend in the Dominican Republic. Let the bastard that did this try to find them there.

I saw her and after a hug, she told me how Hobbs was holding out. It would seem that the one responsible for destroying home had also targeted him.

"Shattered his collarbone, fractured his leg in two places. He only regained consciousness this morning. First thing he said was 'Get me Dom'. " She started walking toward his room and I followed.

"You okay?" I asked her. If she hadn't been there, hadn't helped Hobbs, we'd probably be down an ally.

"I'm fine." She smiled before gesturing to Hobbs room. "He's waiting. Let's go."

Hobbs had a cast on his right arm and another over a majority of his left leg.

"Got something for you." Elena handed Hobbs some large manila envelopes. "Your files."

"Thank you," He told her.

"You risk life and limb to save the free world and what do you get? Jello and a bad 70's tv show." I joked.

He laughed.

"You know it's got it's perks. Sponge baths ain't all bad."

"Da-ad!" I looked to the corner and saw a girl about 8 years old, the spitting image of Hobbs. He'd never mentioned having kids before, not that I'd asked.

"Sorry baby." He said.

"Dad?" I arched an eyebrow at Hobbs.

"Honey, I want to introduce you to somebody. He's ah... He's an old friend. Say hello."

The girl got up and walked over until she stood in front of me.

"Dominic Toretto, right?" I nodded. "My dad said he kicked your ass once!"

I chuckled before crossing to Hobbs.

"Who did this?"

"You remember Owen Shaw? The one we tore half of London down trying to get. Well, this is his big, bad brother. Look at this."

"Deckard Shaw." I said while thumbing through the file.

"British Special Forces Assassin. Unique asset... That no government would ever admit to employing."

"Black ops boys." I said.

"Worse. They created a monster. They felt Shaw was a necessary evil, until he was unnecessary. The asset became a liability. So they decided to send in 20 elite operatives to retire him."

"And they missed." That much was obvious, give then carnage he'd recently shed, or tried to when it came to my family.

"That was six years ago. Shaw's been a ghost ever since."

"Until now. How do I find him?" I asked.

"The official answer is: You don't."

"He killed Han. Almost killed my family too." It was obvious Hobbs didn't know before I said something.

"He tried to put me in a body bag too. Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad, he's gonna wish his mother had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer is still to stand down."

"You know I can't do that." I said.

"I do know you Dom. Which is why I now give you the brother to brother answer. You do whatever you've gotta do. And when you find that son of a bitch, do me one favor."

"What's that?"

"Don't miss."

I nodded once before turning to leave.

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