10: Safar

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Dom POV - Heading to Abu Dhabi

Most of the team was taking advantage of the down time to nap. I laid my jacket over Letty's sleeping form and went to join Brian.

"Hey, Dom, it was pretty wild in that mountain huh?" He asked me.

"That was too close. But we got the job done." I said.

"Know what the crazy thing is?" Brian asked. "It's..." He trailed off.

"You missed the bullets." I finished for him, remembering my conversation with Mia.

"That's messed up, huh?"

"Brian, I've seen you jump from trains. Dive from planes. Hell, I saw your courage the day I met you." I told him.


"You wanna know the bravest thing I've ever seen you do?" I began. "Be a good man to Mia. Being a great father to my nephew Jack. Everyone's looking for a their thrill. But what's real, is family. Your family. Hold onto that Brian."

Tej POV - Abu Dhabi, Beach

Sitting in a cabana with my brothers, I looked out to the water. Heat poured down on it, glittering with different shades of orange and blue. I was looking for Eve. She and Ramsey had chattered non stop on the way there and immediately changed into bathing suits before clasping hands and running of to the beach, while we hung back.

"This was hotter than I thought it would be." Roman caught my attention.

"Yeah, well we are in the desert. So, it would be hot." I said sarcastically.

"No. I ain't talkin' about the weather." Roman said.

I followed his gaze to finally find Ramsey and Eve. Ramsey wore a dark  brown string bikini that showed off every curve while Eve opted for a floral print tankini that generously clung to her full bottom. Her wet hair hung down her back and shoulders, purple shining and making the hot pink flowers on the top really pop out. Damn hot, for a white rebel chick.

"My, my, my. Now that is a woman that's worth fallin' out of a plane for." I said, meaning Eve.

"Get outta there, man. I got dibs on that." Roman said and I rolled my eyes.

"Did you just say dibs? What are you, in the fourth grade? Besides, you ain't even know who I'm talkin' about."

I turned my gaze back to Eve, drinking in the sight.

"Are you guys for real right now? Look at you, you both look whipped already. You got stalker eyes." Letty leaned over the back of our chairs. She'd opted out of joining the other girls to a dip in the ocean.

"I tried to call dibs on Ramsey, two years ago. Her knee, my balls. Trust me, you don't want to do that. Now Eve... Different story. Good girl, she is. Major trust issues, but once you see her true self... The pair of them are two of the most genuine people I've ever met.

"Hey, Eve! Ramsey!" The stranger called as they approached us.

Ramsey hugged him first while Eve hung back. She inched forward, shyly and seemed to melt at the mans touch. I felt myself get jealous. This must be...

"Hello Safar." Eve said softly, confirming what I'd suspected.

"So you made some new friends." Safar said. He looked at me, noticed my gaze on Eve and purposely left his hand rest on the small of her back.

"Yeah, some short tempered friends." Ramsey smiled before asking him about the thing we came for. "I need the speed drive I sent you. Where is it?"

"You will be pleased to know, I sold it."

"You sold it?" Shock and anger were prominent in her eyes. "I asked you to take care of it. Why on earth would you sell it?"

"We're gonna need it back." Dom said.

"Impossible." Safar reasoned.

"Safar, I stashed something inside it. It's important." Ramsey pressed.

"Ok. Good news is, it's safe."

"And the bad news?" Eve crossed her arms. Safar smiled at her and started to caress her back. It made me want to puke. His smile quickly dissipated and mine rose as she moved out of his grasp, and plopped down next to my feet.

"It is very safe," He recovered. "Sold it to a Jordanian prince living up there." He pointed and we all looked. "Trust fund billionaire. Said he wanted it in his super car."

"Billionaire? Supercar?" Roman was muttering, but we all ignored him.

"What makes it so super?" Ramsey asked.

"Top speed. And, it's bullet proof." Safar was saying. I caught myself smiling at the back of Eve's head and tuned back in.

"Am I the only one around right now? It's like... You know what I'm sayin?" Roman was getting frustrated.

"Where does he keep it?" Dom asked.

"In his penthouse. Tower number one."

"Now, why in the hell would he keep his car in his penthouse?" I asked.

"He's a billionaire, my friend. He can do whatever he wants... Now tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year. Prince wants to celebrate it, host a party. Tomorrow afternoon." Safar offered.

"So you can get us up there right?" Brian asked.

"Sure. But not dressed like that."

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