3: Shawn

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Jack held his toy car, making little "vroom, vroom" noises in my ear. I was talking to Mando and cluching Jack tightly to me.

"Thank you for letting us stay." I told Mando. "Are you sure it's not a problem?"

"Dom needs a safe delivered to Rio in 2 days, that was a problem. Hosting his family in the Dominican Republic, that is a vacation." Mando replied. "If anyone messes with you here, they are messing with the country. You are safe here." He answered his phone and I reluctantly handed Jack to Mando's wife, who offered to show him some of the flowers. "Yes, they're here, I picked them up myself. Hold on. Your brother."

He handed me his phone and walked a few good paces behind, allowing me to talk to Dom alone.


"Yeah Mia, it's me. How's it going there?"

"This is like a fortress." I said, looking around, still in awe. "You should see Brian. He's in full FBI mode. He even built a surveillance hub in Mando's garage. What about you? Did you find out whose after us?"

"Looks like the sins of London have followed us home." He said before changing the subject. "How did buster take the news?"

"I can't tell him. If I knew, he'd want to stay. And with everything going on, you're going to need him at your side. Just watch out for him, keep him safe. And come home together."

"Tell Brian I'll see him in LA in 2 days." Was all he offered. My brother, always keeping his emotions under lock and key.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Tokyo. I'm bring Han home."

He said goodbye and I handed Mando his phone. Jack was still occupied so I made my way over to Brian, holed out in the garage. He was watching the news. I placed a hand on his shoulder.


"You ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah." But I could see the stress he was trying to keep from me. "This guy is just relentless."

"That's why Dom needs you. You two need to find this guy and stop him before he does any more damage to our family."

"I've just screwed up so many things. I couldn't live with myself if I screwed this up to." He told me.

"You wont." I assured him. "I believe in you. I believe in us. That's all that matters. I love you Brian." I kissed him. "Just promise me, after this, we're done. No more jobs, no more enemies. Come back to us."

"I won't let you down Mia." He promised.

"I know." I kissed him once more before going to get Jack ready for bed. My little boy had had a long day.

*** Dom POV

"Han said you was fast, but not that fast." Shawn said.

I just beat his ass in a drift race. He said he needed to give me something, so I hung back. Longer than I expected to stay in Tokyo but I had a feeling it'd be worth it.

"Who said American muscle can't drift?" I asked.

"Han said he left his enemies in his rear view. He never talked about it much."

"Always playing it close to the vest."

"We..." He cleared his throat. He'd been Han's friend too and was just as messed up over his death as I was. "We found a couple things by the crash, and in his apartment above the garage. Wasn't much though." Shawn handed me a photo of a girl I recognized immediately.

"Giselle," I remembered how well they worked together.

In the picture, she was smiling coyly at the camera and holding a dark green folder in her hand. Han must have snapped it back when we rolled together, when we were on our mission to rescue Letty. My heart, always kept stuffed down under everything else, went out to two of my closest friends and family members. Whatever is out there, whatever life after death awaits us, I hope they found each other again.

I quickly recomposed myself, tuning back into what Shawn was saying. He now held a necklace I knew well, Letty's necklace.

"Must've meant something to him." He paused before continuing. "When you find the guy that killed Han, what are you going to do?"

"Words ain't even been invented yet." I told him.

Raging Rebel - A Fast and Furious fan fiction - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now