Im sorry,Butters

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After the whole thing with Butters I went back home and put a pillow over his face,He just laid down on his horrible just thinking about how much he hurt Butters he probably never wants to see him again, Not that he would blame him if he didn't.

Then while in deep thought Kenny dad came in with a beer bottle and a carton of smokes.

"Kenny one of your little friends are here" His dad told him

"Butters?"Kenny said

Then Kyle walked in,Kenny then fell face first to his dirty flat old pillow.

"What do you want?'Kenny moaned

"Kenny I don't know if you care but Butters ran home crying and locked his door and won't talk to anyone,Not even his parents"Kyle informed

"Look Kyle I'm the one who hurt him,He hates me"Kenny sigthed

"He doesn't hate you,He really likes you"Kyle told him

"Yeah right"Kenny sadly chucked

"If he didn't like you he wouldn't be crying right now"Kyle said

"Well he might like me but I don't like him"Kenny said

"Yes,You do you dumb piece of shit"Kyle smeared

"No.I.dont!"Kenny shouted

"Just admitted that you like him"Kyle shouted back

Then something in Kenny juat snaped,He counld hold back his feelings.

"If I like Butters,In fact some could say that I love Butters,Ok Kyle?I love Butters alright"He shouted jumping out of bed then ran to his window

"HEY EVERYONE,I LOVE BUTTERS  SCOTCH"Kenny shouted out the Window,While random people walked by

"The candy?"One guy asked

"NO THE PERSON"Kenny corrected him then closed his window

Then he turn to Kyle and took a deep breath

"Well...I didn't expect that but good"Kyle smiled

"Who cares he never take me back after all the bullshit I said"Kenny sigthed

"Yes he will he Butters,If he knows your truly and sincerely sorry he will give you another chance"Kyle comfort him

Kenny smiled and hugged Kyle took his hand and they both walked out Kenny's house and when they were outside Kenny let go of Kyle's hand and ran to Butters house to tell him how he feels.

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