I forgive you

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Butters came to see him at the hospital to see if he was okay,But when he got their the doctors and nerse said his family took him home to take care of him themselves.

Butters race to Kenny house went to his front door and knocked.

"Hi,Can i see Kenny?"Butters asked

"Oh sure"His mother said nicely let him in

Buttters when to Kenny's room and looked inside and saw Kenny he was staring out the window, He turn to Butters and smile.

"Um...Butters I

"I'm so sorry"Butters interrupted

"What?"Kenny asked

"I thought you didn't mean what you said but I can see that you do"Butters said

Kenny walked up to him and gave him a big hug

"I love you Kenny"Butters whispered

"I love you to"Kenny whisper back

"Aw"Was heard in the back

Kenny and Butters turned to see Kenny entire family standing outside if his door hearing everything.

"Out everyone out"Kenny shouted

They all leaft smiling and giggling and Kevin and Karen just smile and walked away.

Kenny could feel the embressed then he felt Butters kiss him on the cheek he just smiled and took his hand.

The next day

Kenny and Butters walked up to their friends holding hands

"Hey guys"Kenny waved

"Hey...Kenny?"Stan said

Kyle and Stan smiled and Cartman just rolled his eyes and walked away saying"Gay".

When Cartman was out of ear shoot he smiled Kenny and Buuters and sigthed happily.

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