Part-8 🕊

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It was about 9:15pm now and Mikasa had barely done anything she had to find cloths for tonight, shower, dry hair and a lot more.
Mikasa: why do i even have to go tonight?
Mikasa's childish voice: cause shut mom said to
Mikasa starts laughing.
Anyways Mikasa walks into her bath and turns the shower on folding towels and throwing to the side of the room on a stand. Mikasa started to unbutton Levi's shirt she let it fall if her shoulders making it land in a pile on the floor. She slid off Levi's shorts letting the hit the floor to she slow stepped into the shower. She just stood there letting the water hit her face her make up from the night before just dropping into a black puddle on the bottom on the shower. Mikasa rubs her eye trying to get the mascara off, which fail making her look like a panda. Mikasa got showered and clean but she just stood in the shower head pressed against the wall she wasn't crying just thinking, thinking about how her life would be if she didn't move to America with Mrs.Palmer and she just stayed in England with her other friends. She started going deeper into things thinking she cause be in jail right now alone. 30 minutes had past and Mikasa was still stood there she heard a knocking at the door.
Mrs.palmer: Hun are u ok?
Mikasa: hmm
Mrs.Palmer: come on sweets u have been in there an hour
Mikasa: ok ok I'm coming
The shower was turned off and Mikasa had wrapped her self in a towel and walked for her room locking the door cause she didn't want Mrs.Palmer giving her one of those "I'm sorry" talks. Mikasa got dress in to a pair of skinny black jeans and a pain black to. She also put on a red necklace with a small symbol on it looking like a pair of feather crossing. Mikasa has always had this necklace but she doesn't know how she got it she has to wear most of the time otherwise she feels unsafe.

~time skip to when Mikasa was ready~

Mikasa: yh yh whatever I'm coming
Mrs.palmer: THANK YOU
Mikasa: whatever
Mikasa grabbed her phone and left to get in the car with Mrs.Palmer once Mikasa was in they set off driving.

~time skip to Mrs.Palmer's friends house~

They pulled up in front of a pair of large gates. The gates opened and they drove through. They parked and both of the jumped out and walked to the front door. Mikasa rang the doorbell waiting for an answer. The door was opened by a young man same age as Mikasa.
Mikasa: hello...HA...

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger please don't kill me😂 anyways I'm so so sorry for not updating my story 🏹 anyways Ik this is a short one and kinda boring but if u wanna please comment some ideas of what cause happens more twisted the better 😂 anyways until next time baii ❤️🏹

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