Part ~ 10 ✌🏻

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Hey guys I'm back again cause of my little friend Pika_chu_13 -gives him death glare- the lines might be a little messed cause I have a time limit yay! Not. So let's get started

Mikasa switched the light revealing an arena, it was a springy base with mesh around it. Harrison had a confused look on his face, Mikasa stood there smiling evilly.
Levi: don't think your fighting Ackerman
Mikasa: whyyyy
Levi: maybe another time
Mikasa: YASS
Harrison: what we doing here
Levi: oh you'll see
Harrison: o...ok
Levi: put theres on and get in the arena
Harrison: fine
Harrison went off and put the shorts levi threw him and Levi jumped into the arena stretching. Mikasa stood there drooling.
Levi: Ackerman
Mikasa: mmmmh
Levi: wipe away that drool
Mikasa: I'm not drooling, you cock bag
Levi: yh yh
Harrison: so what am I doing in these shorts?
Levi: were fighting, winner keeps Mikasa for a night.
Harrison: oooo
Levi: calm down
Mikasa: ugh fine
Harrison jumped into the arena with Levi. Mikasa walked into the arena picking up a sign with 'round 1' on it, she places the sign down in the arena before ripping the end of her long dress to turn it into a slutty number (😂).
She picked the sign up and walked across the arena and the shout 'FIGHT' and jumping out of the arena and sat down. Levi and Harrison both jumped round the perimeter of the arena. Before Levi throwing first punch hitting Harrison nose making it bleed. Mikasa fell off her chair laughing making Harrison stop and look at her, which was a stupid thing to do Levi upper cut him hitting his chin bring Harrison to his knees. Levi repeatedly kick Harrison in the nuts before kicking him the face making him bleed more.
Levi: a white flag
He says chuckling a little.
Harrison: nope not yet
Harrison stands going to punch Levi Harrison was aiming for his nose but got him lip by accident, it started bleeding Levi didn't batter an eye lid when it happened. Levi started walking in circles around Harrison, before back flipping over Harrison and kicking him in the back. Harrison stated coughing up blood.
Harrison: I'm done
Levi: You pussy
Mikasa came running up into the arena.
Mikasa: are you ok Levi?
Levi: I'm fine
Mikasa got a damp cloth and dabbed the small cut. Mikasa left nudge Levi as to say 'let's go' Levi started walking from the arena Mikasa then around so she was looking at Harrison on the floor and kicking him in the ribs.
Mikasa: you deserved all of this you cockblock
Mikasa said before leaving the building with Levi. Mikasa and Levi started to walk home.
Levi: You like the show, brat.
He said chuckling a little.
Mikasa: there wasn't enough bone braking for me
She said with a smile
Levi: well then come on let hurry before it rains
Mikasa: fine
Levi: can u walk any slower
Mikasa: yh I can actually
Mikasa stops dead
Levi: your annoying brat
Mikasa: eh
Levi: come on then
Mikasa doesn't have a chance to respond because she was flung over Levi's shoulder.
Levi: you'll be fine
Mikasa didn't say anything just riggled about to pull her dress down.
Levi: stop moving
Mikasa: either I move or the world see my ass
Levi: that wouldn't be such a bad thing now would it?
Mikasa kicked Levi in the back
Levi: fine whatever
Levi places Mikasa down
Mikasa: thank you
Levi: Tch, just start moving we are 5 minutes away from the house.
Mikasa jogged to catch up

Here the fight scene 😂 anyways I know it kinda short and stuff but I'm sorry 😐 I really hope you enjoyed 🖤 please leave more comments of what could happen ❤️😁 anyway until next time baii 😂🙂🏹❤️✨

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