"People, we come and go some leaving their mark on the world in a positive aspect others in a rather negative aspect, somehow we all end up dead. Death, is the prize we get after life. Some live life miserably which in turn leads to their wish for an early death and some gladly commit suicide for their own benefit. We, they, us, all go through our ups and downs everyone knows that. We at times give ourselves gifts to cheer up to have a motive that can drive us and give us a reason to want and fight for success. Success, what exactly is it? To some it may be wealth to others it may be obtaining a trophy in an olympic sport. Is success another word for happiness? People over see success, we work very hard, we suffer pain we break bones we even may become ill, we gossip, we undergo a lot, and still at some point in our life death comes knocking on our door. Some die painfully others die while asleep and they never wake up, those who stay are the ones suffering. They say living another day is a blessing but is it in fact a blessing or is it perhaps one more day where we risk suffering more? See as I have lost many friends, family I came to realize that we are the ones who suffer, whilst their souls prepare to leave to a better place we cry, we go back on things we may have said about that person, we wish and hope and pray that they can live one more day.
Why do we do that, when we have that person we forget about them, we disregard them. Why get into arguments, why get into fights? The way we live now is the ultimate punishment, so why not make friends, forget about materialistic things, the way the human race has been living is terrible, we all know this and still choose not to change, "I am the way I am" they say it with certainty, those same people are the ones who are afraid and insecure about themselves so they hope to trick their minds into thinking they are gifted, that they are right. Change is hard, but is it not essential? We have everything it takes to be successful, to be happy. We have one another, every time we speak to someone they have their guards up, it is the way we have been taught to live, "Don't trust anyone". As the one massive race we are the "Human Race" we should accept ourselves for who we are, not act out of order but act within peace and love, because when we leave this beautiful Earth we don't know what is waiting for us, and this is not one more live your life speech this is an encouragement to turn around and meet those around you sitting behind you, beside you. Why not get to know each other you never know who those people may be or become, you might need them in the future.
We live on Earth we are here everyday so why not create our path and make our beds as comfortable as possible, Is the place we leave off to really better than Earth or will it be worst? Nobody knows, see society has wrapped our minds around what is right and what is wrong we were taught to believe in A and not B, we were given a path we did not in fact choose. We have forgotten who we really are, all we see is money and power. Two things that can be removed from us by others sitting up higher, but unity and love can't be taken from us.
This speech was written so hopefully you become less selfish, less materialistic remember not everyone you love will always be present and if they do leave first you're going to be the one suffering so make sure you become humble if not yet, Love others spread the positivity be yourselves, originality and uniqueness is the beauty of humanity forget what you have been told to believe keep an open mind and become a leader. Not everyone is a leader but that is alright, but that is why I deliver this speech beyond you now so that you can help others by helping yourself. So let go of that anger inside, we control what happens next, it all depends on your reaction, if there isn't an enemy within us there won't be one in front of us. We who stay wish for the return of those who have gone away, through love peace and unity we will find the way of reuniting one more day."