The Battles Begin!

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Author's Note-

Hello welcome back you beautiful amazing people. Special thanks to DarkDisco7 , Ponygirlpony , Fireflyerplays4 ,and  thepacksbiggestfan for the support on this story which is FINALLY actually starting after lots, and lots of character chapters. Well without a further ado let's begin...

Bridget's POV-

"Everyone, report to the main room now!" I heard as I was getting out of my red colored bed.

  "What does Ms. Torchel want now?" I thought walking down the long hallway and down the stairs into the main room.

  The walls were at least 30 feet tall and and all peaked to a dome at the top. In the center was a a fire, kind of  like a fountain, only made of red, hot fire. The walls had  rectangular windows that curved with  the shape of the wall. It was    amazing.

  "As you all should know, battle season is not starting. Therefore, I have to select one of you to go strike on your opposing sibling. Last night I created a list, a list of the order I will send you out. I expect ALL of you to return victorious. Ok? Now, here is the list-

  Luke, you will be fighting your sister, Carly, tomorrow first thing tomorrow morning.

Clark, be prepared to strike Calvin.

Evelyn, next week I will be waiting for you after you win against Elizabeth," she continued.

I should there nervously as she read of more names. I dreaded hearing my name come out of Ms. Torchel's mouth. I froze as I heard the name of my best friend here, Alana, get called out. She looked at me with a sad and extremely nervous face before walking up to Ms. Torchel and shaking her hand promising to do her best.

"Bridget!" I heard my teacher yell. "You need to pay attention! By the way you will be battling four months from now."

  I slowly walked up as everyone stared at me intensely. i shook her warm hand and walked back behind everyone else. I was scared. Really scared.

Carly's POV-

Gulp. My teacher just informed us that since the summer season has officially begun, it is the fire tribe attack season. Great. Just Great.

"Hey, it will be fine," heard from behind me.  My face turned a bright red once I identified who was behind me. It was Drew. Aka the guy I kinda like. 

  I turned around and looked into his bright green eyes. 

   He brushed his messy dark hair back and looked down a little bit so he could see my nervous face. 

  "I know," I said walking towards the hall my room was located in. "Well that was embarrassing," I thought opening my door.

Author's Note-

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Be sure to check out @KatelynKramer and @FanfictionCupid . Be sure to also check out my other stories bye <3

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