Sabrina and Sam

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Author's Note-
this will be the last characters chapter and then next chapter we will get into the actual story so yeah..

Sabrina's POV

When they took me away... I regretted everything about my past. Because off me my brother and I were taken from my family.

My fault. All my fault.

I can still remember the first time I discovered my powers like it was yesterday.


"I'm going to go out into the forest!" I yelled as I walked out into the yard.

The forest was right behind our house. My siblings and I would all go there on hot days and play in the creek. Looking back at those times now I wish I treasured it more. It's too late now.

After a few hours I noticed it was getting colder and I was pretty deep into the forest. "I'll just spend the night out here," I thought. My parents tought us back when we were little.

There were  4 steps:

- Get a fire started. You need warmth.

-Shelter. Wether it be a cave or a tent. Find shelter.

-Food. Bring some with you.

And lastly...
-Water. You NEED to stay hydrated.

So, as the list stated, I grabbed two sticks and began to rub them together. After about 10 minutes I saw a spark. My hands heated up quickly as the  sticks started  on fire. Out of shock, I dropped them in the pile of twigs I collected earlier.
I expected my hands to cool down a bit, but instead they became much hotter. I looked down at my hands to see orbs of fire levitating just a little above my palms. What was happening?!
What will my siblings think? Will they call me a freak? What will happen?


A few days after I found out my powers when my brother, Sam, shot ice out of his hands.
"Aww, my ice cream is melting," my brother groaned. He put his hands around it to protect it from the sun.
All of a sudden he jerked back, breathing heavily.
I looked at his ice cream, now face down on our drive way, had a thick layer of ice surrounding it.
Tasha, my older sister, and I looked at Sam.
"I, I, I don't know what happened," he stuttered, still shaking. "All of a sudden ice, it, it, it shot out of my hands."
"Ahhh!" Tasha yelled not fully grasping the situation.
I saw a few tears sliding down my brother's face.
I ran over to him, "Hey don't worry, I have fire powers," I said throwing a fire ball at some grass making it burn for a second before the wind blew it out. "See you're not the only one," I said trying to comfort him.


Weeks went by. Life went back to normal.

One day Mom and Dad brought us into town for the first time in our lives.
We were out in the street while mom and dad looked at a map.
  Trying to entertain my siblings, I threw a small fire orb.
Mom and Dad turned around looking at me. "No! Sabrina!" She tried to warn me but I didn't listen.
I felt a pair of warm hands grab my narrow shoulders.
My joyful  face turned into a face of fear when I saw a man carry Sam away.
  Then everything went black. That was the last time I saw anyone in my family.

Sam's POV-

  I walked into a large blue building with my head hanging down. I was tore away from my family, my friends, my former life.

  Everything about it. Gone.

  I stood there in a big empty space for the longest time when a boy, a few years older than me, walked up to me.

"Hey I'm Aaron!" he yelled loudly.

  "I'm Sam," I muttered in sadness barely looking up.

"Well cheep up kid! You're here now! These are your people!" he said with a hand on my back and the other fanning around the room. (you kinda know what I'm talking about, right? I don't really know how to word it)

I shrugged trying to get his sweaty hand off my back. Like get off me. I don't know you. Stranger danger.

  "I kinda want to be alone," I said quietly.

"Well too bad, I have to mentor you," he said semi aggressively hitting my back making me nearly falling forwards on my face. "So come on. I'll show you to your room," He said directing me to a long hallway with a bunch of off-white doors on the sides.

Room 124 the sign above the door read. I slowly pushed the door open hoping there wasn't already a person in there about to scold me. I cautiously peered around the edge of the door to see and empty, clean room waiting for me. Feeling relieved, I breathed out and walked in and lied down on the blue bed located in the corner of the room.

  It was so soft. It felt like home. All of a sudden the memories, they rushed into my head and I started to cry a little bit. Home. I miss you guys.

Author's Note-

Well there you have it people. Next chapter will start the actual story hopefully. This is one of the longest chapters I've written ever. I hope you enjoyed. Please check out FanfictionCupid , KatelynKramer and all my other stories bye 😘❤️❤️

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