Deacon x SS

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Cw: Light smut. Not full on sex, just making out.

You were in Goodneighbor, a town you'd grown a little more into as time went on, ghouls and Chem addicts walked the streets, the people in Diamond City.. well actually everyone in the commonwealth really, say it's a fucking hole. But you never saw it that way, it was home.

You still remembered your first day in the place, there was two drifters, one in sunglasses leaning against the wall between KLE-O's place and Daisy's, the other was wearing road leathers and sitting on the rock wall, beer in hand. Finn approached you to try and solicit 'protection' costs, you weren't having it and it ended in a quick shot to the head, ending that discussion quickly. The mayor was more impressed than anything by your little show and ever since you've fallen in love with the place. You would often spend caps in the third rail getting blasted before staying in your regular room in the hotel.

You were hitting your regular spot, right on a barstool, glass of whiskey in front of you as you listened to Magnolia sing. Some new asshole got dragged in from the wastes it seemed, he sat next to you and you gave a low grunt as a welcome. He was average for build, bald head, sunglasses and a bit of stubble. Attractive at best.

"Is that common greeting where you come from?" he asked sarcastically, you could tell his eyes were smiling from behind those ugly sunglasses. You already liked him a little more, a sense of humour was a rare find around this place aside from the twisted comedy of raider gangs.

"Could say that. You aren't from around here, are you?" You looked at your drink as you spoke, he didn't earn your gaze, not yet.

"You got me. I'm from the north, a harborman if you will." You knew he was lying, you had a real knack for telling that kind of shit.

"Oh really? Knew I didn't recognize you. I'm kinda new to the area as well, just on a trip or staying a while? I could get used to a face like yours around here." You humoured him, you knew he was bullshitting, but you still thought it was worth letting him have his little lie.

"Just staying for a little, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were hitting on me." You had no idea why he was lying. It made you more interested in him, maybe that's why he did it.

"You'd be right about that. Is it working? Have I won the heart of a noble fisherman?" You allowed yourself to punctuate your sarcastic commentary with a sip from your almost neglected drink.

"To a degree, and fuck me if I'm wrong, isn't that a wedding ring? Are you sure you should be hitting on me?" You forgot you had your ring on still. Nora's was on a leather sting hidden under your dirty white shirt as you spoke.

"The misses passed away some time ago.. wish you were wrong though, I'd have loved to take you up on your offer." You stared at him, right at those stupid sunglasses.

"Oh my, I'm sorry.." He was seemingly ignoring the little remark you made, but the smirk rolling across his lips made you sure he was just processing it. "Are you always like this with the people who wander through your path? Or am I special? Aw I hope I'm special." He knew he was special.

"Oh, so special." You continued to humour him. If you knew him as a friend you'd call him an idiot. "I can show you just how special you are.. if you let me, that is." You're diving in for the kill.

"You don't even know my name yet-"
"Maybe it's better I don't." You slide in before he can finish the sentence.

You two made your way to the exit, Ham nodding his head as you left, he wasn't used to seeing you leave with someone, maybe he was impressed.

"Is that a pipboy..? You must be a vault dweller." He stared in awe at the device on your wrist as you began unlocking the door. He knew what is was, everyone in the bloody wasteland knew how to identify a vault dweller by the tool.

"Yep, I ditched the blue jumpsuit, but just couldn't fool you, could I?" You fake pouted, shoving him into the room. You were getting sick of his bullshit and didn't want him ruining the moment, you shoved him down onto the bed in hopes he'd realize that you don't want anymore chit chat.

"So you're from a vault?" You could already imagine him on his pretend boat with his pretend crew calling him. 'captain obvious'

You didn't respond, and rather straddled him on the bed. You really hoped that he'd understand the time for talking and bullshit was coming to a end. Now is the time for fucking. Did you need to spell it?

He took the hint, and kissed your neck, that sexy stubble was already irritating your skin as it scratched, but you couldn't spend too long thinking of how annoying it was before he bit your skin, sucking you from your thoughts into a more lewd head space.

You pushed him down on the bed by his shoulders, and pinned him there as you looked at him. Your first reaction was almost to take the damn glasses off, but second judgment had you decide they should stay. Mystery was always pleasant. Either way you didn't want to see his face.

"Well, whatever vault you came from, I'd love to take a visit" he quipped. If you had any sense left you'd get off him and leave this annoying, lying prick on the bed that's absorbed more bodily fluids than a hospital mop.

But... You didn't have any sense left, and instead you pressed your lips against the ones that you truly wished would fall silent more often.

  You ran your tongue along his lower lip, pleading for him to open his mouth enough for access, which he gave you. You slid your tongue into his mouth and tasted all over his mouth, he somehow tasted like wasteland and sweat on the inside of his mouth, but that's when he suddenly broke apart.

He's gonna never shut up is he. You thought to yourself as you watched him wipe his mouth before opening it to speak.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I really am, but I haven't been completely honest with you." He started. "I already know, you're not nearly as good at lying as you pretend to be." You spat gingerly, you were pissed off at this point.

"Au contraire. I made the fishing lie obvious, because I knew it'd interest you." He said, with a smirk. "I needed you in private." He continued. As soon as you heard that you pulled out a knife and quickly had it pinned to his throat. "Are you with the institute? Or Kellogg?" You had been paranoid about it for a while, you had yet to go back to his corpse to retrieve a sample of brain because it made you so paranoid, that they were waiting.

"Actually, the opposite." He said before in a fluid motion twisting your arm, pushing you back and taking the knife. "That was pretty easy, now I'm not sure I'm buying the stories about you managing to take down Kellogg." He joked, he knew more about you than you wanted him to already.

"Who are you?" You demanded. "You can call me Deacon, I'm with the Railroad." The Railroad, that's familiar, the synth protection agency..?

"We've been watching you since you crawled out of that hole, and I was finally given permission to recruit you. Well sort of, I'm allowed to talk to you now, and I'm gonna beg you to try and join."

"So you're a stalker?" You said bluntly. Deacon adorned a fake look of hurt. "Stalker? That's so harsh, I prefer spy."

That's when it clicked. He had been watching you. He was the guard in diamond city who seemed to always be staring, and the drifter, who was one of the firsts you ever saw. How didn't you notice that right away? Was it the whiskey?

"I'll consider it." You said crossing your arms. You were still pissed he got you so worked up. "I'll consider it even more if you let me finish what I started." You said smirking.

You ended up /really/ considering it for about a good while that night, considering it so damn much that you shook the walls.

The next morning when you awoke, the fact Deacon was gone didn't shock you, what surprized you was the holotape he left on the bed where he had fallen alseep. You placed it into your pipboy to give it a listen.
"Wake up, Commonwealth. Synths are not your enemy. They are victims in this war, as well."

Follow the freedom trail, eh? You decided youd spend that afternoon doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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