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(NOTE: if you didn't read book 1, Steven Universe x reader (Pink Pearl) then you'll be completely lost, so go read the first book of you didn't!)

"She isn't like the rest," Blue Diamond said, holding a piece of a Zircon's gem shard. "But she can help."
"But we don't even know if she exists!" Yellow Diamond nearly yelled. "I'm not traveling around the galaxy to look for a gem we don't even know exists!"
"I'm sure she does..." blue diamond looked down at her Pearl. "The time travelers have messed up so badly, there's no way to fix this."
Yellow diamond sighed. "Pearl."
Yellow Pearl quickly stood up. "Yes my Diamond?"
"Fetch me the corrupted Amethyst in jail. Keep the chains on her. I feel like she might have something to do with all this," yellow diamond ordered.
"Of course my Diamond," yellow Pearl ran out of the room and to the jail.
"Yellow. The time travelers were only trying to fix things up. I don't feel like we should let them time travel anymore," blue diamond said. "They're in our time, we can still stop them."
Yellow diamond sighed again. "Fine. But keep the Emerald corrupted."
"Amethyst," yellow Pearl said.
The Amethyst looked up. Her eyes were gone, replaced with her gem on her face. She opened her mouth and growled.
Yellow Pearl laughed. "You're so useless," she tapped the glass and the corrupted Amethyst backed away. "I remember when you tried to fight me, thank god yellow diamond was there to corrupt you! Anyway... you are Amethyst 364-12?" Yellow Pearl read a paper next to the cell. "Your gem placement was on your left palm. Too bad corruption can put your gem somewhere else..."
The Corrupted Amethyst pushed its paws up against the cell and growled. Two long teeth stuck out of its mouth. Yellow Pearl moved the jail cell to yellow diamond wth just a lift of her finger thanks to their advances technology.
"Here you go my Diamond," yellow Pearl said.
Yellow diamond leaned down and looked at the corrupted Amethyst. "Can she speak?"
"She can growl and get pissed off but not that much. She was a time traveler too. Maybe we can heal her and then corrupt her again," yellow Pearl said.
"Good idea my Pearl," yellow diamond said. "Bring her to the corruption center and uncorrupt her. Then we'll get answers from her."
Yellow Pearl nodded and did as she was told.
"Amethyst 364-12, do you know who you are?" Yellow Pearl leaned over Amethyst.
Amethyst streaked and stood up. "W-what am I doing here?"
"We uncorrupted you- but just for a little bit," yellow Pearl said. "We have questions for you about the time traveling."
Amethyst froze. "I already told you! I can't have pink diamond!"
Yellow Pearl rolled her eyes. "That's why you're so useless... anyway, that's not the question. The question is do you know the corrupted Emerald and Sapphire?"
"I know Sapphire. Don't know any corrupted Emerald," Amethyst said.
"What did Sapphire do to fix the future?" Yellow Pearl asked.
"She killed Pink Pearl."
"What?" Yellow diamond grabbed Amethyst and lifted her up. "Pink Pearl was shattered?"
"Y-yes Yellow Diamond..." Amethyst whimpered. "She said her and her partner did it."
Yellow diamond cussed under her breath. "We're going to Earth."
"I don't think Black Pearl is on Earth, Lapis," Centi said.
"She has to be. She wouldn't be anywhere near Home World. We would've already found her," Lapis winced at the scratch on her ankle. "Even if she's not real... it'll be worth trying."
"She why is Black Pearl so... special?" Centi asked.
"There was a war long long long ago. Over a million years ago. A missile was aimed at Blue Diamond and Black Pearl got in the way to save her. They never saw her... they don't know if she's dead they never saw any of her gem shards or anything. If she's still alive... she's gotta be corrupted." Lapis said.
"Where was her gem?" Centi asked.
"On her forehead," Lapis said.
Suddenly a spark danced over Centi's gem. Centi hissed and squeezed her eye. The corruption was getting stronger. Centi knew in only a matter offsets she'd be fully corrupted and nothing could save her. She was out of luck.
"You okay?" Lapis asked in a low voice.
"I-I'm fine," Centi said and kept looking around as they flew in the air.
"We'll go to the kindergarten first. It's known Black Pearl was made in the dark kindergarten where they made gem millions of years ago underground. If we can somehow find black pearl's hole then maybe we'll find out where she is," Lapis made a sharp right turn and made Centi woozy.
"How long until we get there?" Centi asked.
"Days. We minus as well head back to the temple very quick," Lapis said.
"How come? I don't think anyone else should know about this," Centi said.
"I know some Gems Pink Pearl knew before you shattered her. They'll help, I know it," Lapis said.
Lapis set Centi down in front of the temple. "They should be in here," Lapis said. "They are an Emerald, Topaz, Peridot, Moonstone, and Lazuli."
"Oh great, now there'll be two Lapis Lazuli's," Centi teased. Lapis punched Centi in the arm and Centi quickly entered the temple.
Centi almost immediately saw Lazuli. Her heart skipped a beat as she walked over to her.
"Hey Centi!" Lazuli said. "Where did you go? You suddenly disappeared."
"I did? Oh yeah... I just... had to go somewhere," Centi said. "I your help for something," Centi suddenly felt another spark slid across her gem. Centi had to find Black Pearl before she was fully corrupted.
"Sure! What is it?" Lazuli asked.
"Pink Pearl is in danger. She's been shattered, and we think the only way to save her is Black Pearl," Centi said.
Lazuli just sat there for a minute. "B-black Pearl? I don't think she's real Centi..." Lazuli slowly turned her back to her so Centi could only see one side of her face.
"She might be she might not! But Pink Pearl in seriously in trouble and Black Pearl might be our only hope!" Centi said.
"I can't. I'm sorry," Lazuli said.
It hurt Centi. That Centi would bend backwards for her and Lazuli wouldn't even saw her own friend for her. "Fine," Centi hissed. "But I won't ever see you again- at least not like this," Centi wanted to kiss Lazuli but after what she said she changed her mind. Her love for Lazuli suddenly disappeared.
Centi decided to skip Emerald, since she was with Amethyst and Centi didn't want to deal with Amethyst. Centi went to Topaz. "Topaz," Centi said.
Topaz turned around. Her face full of depression. "Yeah?"
"Pink Pearl is in trouble. We have to go find Black Pearl in order to save her," Centi said.
Topaz clenched her teeth but said nothing.
"Topaz? Are you gonna help?" Centi asked.
"No! I can't right now! I'm too stressed!" Topaz rubbed my hands through her hair. "Something happened. I can't."
Centi rolled her eyes. "And just to think Pink Pearl would break her neck for you."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me! You know something horrible happened to Pink Pearl and you won't even help?! Pink Pearl would go across the world for you!"
Topaz suddenly pushed Centi backwards and she almost fell. Topaz grabbed Centi's shirt collar and pulled her close. "Listen you corrupted waste land, I don't give a rats ass about anybody right now. Something happened to my girlfriend and if you think I'm going across the galaxy to help them you're wrong."
Centi grabbed Topaz's fist. "Pink Pearl went through a lot too! Her Diamond got shattered and she served for the one who shattered her Diamond- Rose!"
"Rose didn't shatter Pink Diamond! Rose would never shatter Pink Diamond!" Topaz pushed Centi back and she fell. Centi didn't land on her butt, she landed on a large tail. Centi looked at a weird looking bug tail thing but didn't have much time. Topaz summoned her weapon, a dagger, and aimed it at Centi's throat. "If you're going to disrespect your leader then you don't deserve to be a crystal gem!"
"I'm not a crystal gem!" Centi leaned back and kicked Topaz in the stomach and sent her flying backwards.
Some gems raced to Topaz and some stayed still.
"What's going on?!" A voice snapped. I turned around and saw Peridot, her back to me, her gem was cracked. "Topaz?"
"How did your gem crack?" I asked.
Peridot turned around but didn't answer. "It doesn't matter. What's going on?"
"You cracked your gem, didn't you!" I said.
"Shut up!" Peridot snapped.
Lapis ran to me. "Centi- maybe we don't need help. Let's leave now."
"No! I wanna hear Peridot say the truth!" Centi yelled.
"Leave her alone you corruption!" Topaz snapped.
"Some girlfriend you are making sure Peridot's gem in safe!" I screamed across the temple.
Topaz summoned her weapon again and threw her dagger at me. I ducked and so did Lapis. Suddenly my legs felt weak and I couldn't stand back up... the corruption is getting stronger.
Lapis stood back up and I saw her eyes grow wide and her pupils shrunk. I looked behind me, where she was looking, and saw that there was a dagger stuck in Moonstone's throat... in her gem... Topaz's dagger....
"MOONSTONE!" Emerald cried and ran up to her. "Oh my god!"
Lapis grabbed my wrist and lifted me up. She spread her long wings made of water and flapped them down. We flew out of the temple before Topaz could get me.

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