Friendly Fusion

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(Art not mine. Can we pretend the picture of the fusion above is a Fusion of another Gray Pearl and Bloodstone)

"What the hell was that?" Lapis snapped at Centi, 14,000 feet above the ground.
"W-what?" another spark skipped around Centi's gem. Centi could barley feel her legs and the long tail behind her. Centi wondered what she's look like when she was fully corrupted. Would she look weird or semi normal? Thoughts rushed through Centi's head as Lapis continued yelling.
"You shouldn't have caused a fight! Now Moonstone is gone and now everyone we needed hates us! There's so way we can do this alone..." Lapis said.
"Well..." Centi started. "During my time travels I have seen some Crystal Gems in different areas. They all aren't in the temple. They are scattered around, separated from the war."
"Well hopefully we just suddenly run into one!" Lapis said.
"Look! I see one down there!" Centi said.
"What if it a Home World gem?" Lapis asked.
"They all evacuated," Centi said. She rested her chin on Lapis's shoulder. Centi knew the future just like Sapphire. No matter what she fixed a lot of these Crystal Gems could be corrupted by the diamonds in about 2,000 years. No one could do anything. It was stupid for the diamonds to think they could win a war were the Crystal Gems had more then them.
Suddenly there was a cold chill in the air. It send Chills up Centi's spine, reminding her of shattering Pink Pearl. But the cold chill was coming from the gem below us, she was twirling around a ribbon.
"Hey!" Lapis called and slowly flew down to her but just hovered over the ground. "Who are you? Why are you out here?"
The fusion smiled. She was awfully pretty, she had dark tan hair that swept over her right shoulder. Her gems were on her nose and her forehead. Four pink eyes and two long vampire teeth stuck out the most. "I'm Tigers Eye! But some just call me Tiger! I'm a crystal gem and I got separated from because of the war..."
"Unfuse," Lapis cut in.
"U-unfuse? They don't want to," Tiger said.
"Why not? You're not fighting are you?" Lapis asked.
"Of course not! We just... uh... waiting for Home World to attack again! Us Crystal Gems can never be off guard!" Tiger said.
Something seemed wrong with Tiger, she was anxious.
"Oh. You're like Garnet," Lapis said.
"G-Garnet! I haven't seen her in like- months! She was the last gem I saw before I went into the Home World ship and made it crash land," Tiger said.
"You wanna see her again?" Centi asked.
"Of course! But I don't think she's wanna see me," Tiger rocked back and forth on her heels and Lapis flew up higher so she was face to face with Tiger. She was about three times the size of Garnet.
"Why would she wanna see you?" Centi asked.
"I think she got jealous of me. I'm a Fusion... like her... and I think she saw me as a companion of who saw one of us as the cutest Fusion. A lot of people liked me as a love Fusion better than Garnet. But I never really cared. Bloodstone and Gray Pearl only care about each other. The last time I saw Garnet she yelled at me saying, leave. But the didn't tell, it seemed serious..." Tiger trailed off.
"She had Future Vision. Maybe she saw you getting hurt and you had to leave?" Centi said.
Tiger shrugged. "I don't wanna see her. I changed my mind."
"Well we can't bring you to see her anyways," Lapis glared at me. "We've got something to do."
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Tiger asked.
"Something happened to our friend and we have to save her," Lapis said.
"Who is your friend? Is it a Bloodstone or a Gray Pearl?" Tiger asked.
"Gray Pearl. Used to be a pink Pearl," Lapis said.
"Oh! I'll help you!" Tiger said.
Lapis sighed. "No. we don't want help."
"We do need help, Lapis. I lost all the other help we can get. Tiger can really help us," Centi said, pushing away from Lapis's body. "She's is part Gray Pearl, maybe she can give us pointers about them."
Lapis groaned and set me down. Tiger laid on her stomach in front of us and stared down at us. "So why is Pink Pearl a Gray Pearl now? Unless you're naturally a Gray Pearl a Pearl turns into gray Pearl when something shatters them on the inside. Like severe depression almost," Tiger explained. "But since my Gray Pearl is a natural gray, she's fine."
"Well... I had to shatter Pink Pearl for a reason. A time reason. And so then I found out she's been traveling through time to find me and kill me. But all she did was make my corruption quicker," Centi pointed to her gem. "She's in trouble and we think Black Pearl can help us."
Tiger sighed. "I gotta see her again..."
"You've seen her?" Lapis cried. "Which part of you?"
"Bloodstone. It was about 56,000 years ago. Black Pearl was well known for her sacrifice for blue diamond. Bloodstone was in another war, and she could've sworn... she saw Black Pearl standing on top of a hill not too far away... looking down at her. Bloodstone ran up to her and saw her. It was Black Pearl. She wasn't corrupted or anything. She was fine. Her gem on her forehead was fine, everything. Then she said, don't tell anyone you saw me."
Lapis and Centi exchanged looks at each other. It was hard to believe Tiger since this was 56,000 years ago, only 100 years after Black Pearl went missing. So why would Black Pearl appear so soon after her disappearance. You'd think she'd come back, if she did the diamonds would've given her all their respect, hell they give her all their respect and they don't even know if she's alive. If Tiger is right, we're god.
"We should go to the spot where Bloodstone saw Black Pearl then. I don't know where else to fly," Lapis said.
"It's not on Earth though. It's White Diamonds's abandon planet- Zoiact. The war messed it up so bad white Diamond didn't even want it anymore," Tiger said.
"Then she has to be there. The planet is away from everyone, I'm sure Black Pearl is there," Centi said.
Lapis forced a smile. "Maybe. But to be honest, when we leave Earth, I'm never coming back."

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