Chapter 3.

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"I'm a what?"

You couldn't believe your ears.  Lars looked at you desperately, taking your by the shoulders.  "It's true! Why would I lie about something like this?  (Y/N), I'm a SATYR!  You just KILLED a GIANT!"

"A demigod?"  You breathed, even more disbelief in your tone.  "You've got to be kidding me.  This can't be real...can it?

"It can, and it is," Lars said, squeezing your shoulders and making you face him.  "The one parent you didn't have in your life?  They're a god or goddess."

"But if it's a god, then how did he and my dad--"

"Yeah, the way the gods work isn't completely conventional, so it's totally possible.  I mean, Athena literally sprung out of Zeus' head, y'know?" 

Your mouth was as dry as the Sahara Desert.  You were suddenly groggy, like the weight of the information just dropped onto your lap plus the physical exertion of running a giant through with a crutch had finally hit you.  And it was coming back with a vengeance. 

You let your tired eyes drift to Lars, looking pitifully tired and confused.  "I think I need a week of sleep after this."

"Nope," Lars said, taking your arm and yanking you into a standing position.  "We need to get you out of here.  Quickly."

"What?  Isn't this the chill part of the video game where the voice-over goes threat neutralized?"  You joked, not seeing the fearful expression Lars' face held as he pulled you along. 

"No, the threat isn't neutralized," he said hurriedly, pulling you down the street toward your house, about four blocks away.  "Now that one monster's found you, every monster in the whole city is bound to be on your scent by now.  You're not safe.  You won't be safe until we get to camp."

"Camp?" You inquired, trying to keep your pace matching his little goat trot.  "What do you mean?  We haven't gone to summer camp since we were ten years old."

"Well, this is a special summer camp," Lars answered, following your usual path to your house as fast as he could.  "For people like you.  For demigods." 

And with that, you kept your brisk pace home-bound with a frightened goat boy who smelled like giant cannibal breath. 


You took out your house key and fiddled with the lock on your front door, having a bit of trouble before letting the door swing open.  Lars quickly ushered you inside, pulling off your backpack and pushing you through the front hallway. 

"Lars, mind slowing down a bit?  I can only move so fast!"  You said impatiently, passing the living room as quickly as possible. 

"(Y/N)!"  A voice erupts from the living room, making you wince.  You immediately recognize it as your father.  What would he say about you coming home so late?  How would you explain to him where you've been for the past forty-five minutes?

You internally groan.  Lars looked at you desperately, but he moved to the side so you could enter the room before him.  You backtrack through the open archway branching off from the front hallway, Lars tagging behind.  

You stepped into the living room and pulled off your jacket, looking warily at the couch.  Your father and stepmother sat beside each other, your step-siblings still at school.  You could hear Lars tapping his foot--uh, hoof--on the wooden floor and huffing softly.  You've never seen him so impatient before. 

"Yeah?"   You asked tentatively, furrowing your eyebrows and holding the jacket to your chest. 

"Where were you?"  Your stepmother interrupts, pinning her eyes on you with a scrutinizing glare.  If she knew that Lars was here, she made no sign of it.

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