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Paradise. Er, Girls. Girls everywhere he looked. And what was the best thing about that? They were all over him. Harry flashed his most charming smile to the few girls that were around him and took a long sip of beer before saying, "So, who wants to dance?"

Immediately, they all grabbed him, begging him to choose them. He laughed quietly. This worked every time. There was a certain advantage to being Harry Styles.

One of the girls - tall, tan and blonde - grabbed his face and kissed him eagerly, right on the lips. Harry didn't hesitate kissing her back. She was hot. When they pulled away, he grinned again and said, "Definitely you."

She smiled seductively at him as the others left, angry, jealous, and/or disappointed.

The young singer took the girl's hand and led her a bit further. "What's your name, hun?" he asked.


"Livy, what a nice name," he said with a nod as he placed his hands on her waist and danced.

Emily giggled uncontrollably at his accidental mistake and began swaying her hips side to side like a real professional. They didn't say a word; they simply danced and smiled at each other.

As they were dancing, Niall walked past them and pulled Harry away from Emily.

"Hey, man, there's this s-s-smoking hot girl wanting to meet you," he stammered, squinting his eyes.

"Who?" Harry asked automatically, not even bothering to excuse himself.

"That girl over there," Niall replied, pointing at someone. "Or maybe it was that one... or maybe her? Oh, yeah, definitely her. Go on, Harry!"

He pushed him towards the girl, who turned around and jumped a bit as she saw him.

"Or maybe not..." whispered Niall with wide eyes when he saw her, not loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Hey, beautiful," Harry said with a smirk.


"Hey, whatcha doin' with ma girl?"

Harry turned around and saw a tall man, probably over twenty years old, black skin, and most definitely American, from his accent.

"You're her boyfriend?"

"Yeah, and you are?"

"Someone who's better than you."

He finished his bottle of bear, threw it away and crossed his arms, looking at the man with a confident -- and drunken -- look.

The man let out a slight chuckle, went serious again, and punched Harry, who was too drunk and weak to stay in place after a hit even as minor as this. He fell to the ground with a loud thud, already knocked out.


He regained consciousness a little while later, in a much calmer ambiance, away from the crazy crowd of party people. He had to blink a few times before seeing clearly. He was lying on a couch, in a room he'd never seen before. The light was dim, and there was a low table right in front of the couch, which he didn't see and tripped over. For the second time, he fell down and hit his head. "Oww... That hurt," he said to himself.


A girl -- the same girl he'd gotten punched for -- walked into the room and bent down next to him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure. " He looked up at her. "Oh god, did I hit on you?"

She smirked and got up. "Yeah, you did. That was creepy, to be honest..."

"But Niall said... Ugh, you're my cousin, for Christ's sake."

"Yeah, I know that. Apparently I'm your type, though... Ew."

"Please, don't say that. Like you said: ew." He sighed. "Well, Nicole, I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

There was a short silence, after which someone joined them.

"Nikki, I found -- oh, he's awake, I see."

"Kim! Come here, let me introduce you," Nicole said.

Harry got up on his feet and stared at Kim, who was walking towards them. She was pretty short for her age, but still looked like somebody who was very mature. She had wavy dirty blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders, deep brown eyes, cute dimples and a smile to die for. She was beautiful, even in the simplicity of her clothing.

"Well, Harry, this is my best friend from college, Kimberly."

"You can call me Kim," Kimberly said politely, holding her hand out to him.

Harry, who was a bit too far to reach her hand, took a step forward and bumped into the table again, this time making the vase that was on it crash into a few thousand pieces.

"Oh god, Nicole, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Heh, I'm so clumsy..."

"Actually it's mine. This is, er, this is my apartment," Kim said slowly, looking down sadly at her favorite vase. "This was a gift from my mother."

Harry blushed hard and played with his hands nervously. "I-I'll pay her back."

"She's dead."

"Oh... um..."

"Anyone up for some coffee?" Nicole butted in, making sure no more awkwardness would come.

"Excellent idea," Harry and Kim said in unison.

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