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Hi! I just wanted to say before this began that this is my first book! These characters are based off real people I know in my life, So I hope they don't get mad at me xD. Anyway, without further ado, Here's the story!


The two voices from outside the room had been getting louder by the second. The girl walked twords the white door to the outside, Hunched.

"Are you two done yet?" She asked blatently. 

She had messy dark brown curls slightly past her shoulders, and was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and jeans, barefoot.

The other two stared at her, one in annoyance and one in anger.

The shorter one said something under her breath in a different accent than before, and the taller one just sighed, tucking a lock of brown and purple streaked hair behind her right ear. Saying nothing, she pushed past the shorter girl and entered the door in front of her.

"And you Alicia-san?" The girl with the curls asked the girl identified as Alicia.

Alicia just pouted and walked past the girl with the curls with a quiet "Sure, Sarah-chan".

The girl with the curls, now identified as Sarah, sighed and followed the two into the room. She looked at the two girls in her room. The taller one had a bob cut above her shoulders and her hair was dark brown with Dark purple streaks. She wore a dull red jacket with a hood, a black t-shirt, dark jeans and black high-tops. Alicia had short-cut hair that was an inch past her shoulder, had dirty blond hair, and was wearing a purple tank-top, light jeans and dulled gray shoes, scuffed and worn. She wore blue diamond earrings.

Sarah said something quick in a foreign language to Alicia, and Alicia replied suit.

"Will you two stop talking in japanese? It's really annoying". Said the taller.

"Madison, You really need to learn some time". Said alicia.

"I would if fluffy over there would teach me". Madison replied, Motioning to Sarah behind her.

Sarah however was not listening, and was biting her nails, stairing at the wall behind Alicia. She pulled over a grey office chair to a white desk, that was positioned between two windows against a yellow wall. Madison began to say something, but was cut off by alicia holding a finger to her own lips. An eyebrow raised, but no words were said. They turned to face Sarah, who was now rythimicly tapping a pen against the edge of the desk. Her head was tilted to one side of her head, and appeared to be in deep thought. She turned twords an Ipad on a stand, and selected the T.V. App and turned on the news. Madison flopped on the bed on the adjecent wall, and Alicia stood next to Sarah, Also watching the news. Apparently a thug had robbed a shop in london, and taken a hostage. What was strange was she had taken a stuffed whale, A big ben model, and a glass ball, ment for fake psychics. They showed an image of the thug, and she was in her 20's, had brown hair, and bangs that swept across half her face diagonally, and her hair was in a ponytail.

"A D.Hauser robbed a local gift shop in london today, and the locals are..." The T.V. Drawled. Sarah sat up, It being strange for the only reason that she usually hunched over in her seat. Madison sat up, Interested by the sudden change in posture.

"I thought she would snap some day..." Sarah whispered, not expecting an answer.

Madison racked her brain. Hauser, Hauser, Hauser.... She knew that name...

Madison gasped. "Oh my god". Alicia gave her a quizzical look. "Dori" Madison stated.

Alicia's eyes grew wide, and her hand covered her mouth. She joined madison, Sitting on the edge of the bed.

Dori had been their best freind in middle school, but now they were all in their 20's, and Dori had disappeared.

"Last thursday was her birthday," Said Sarah. "I sent her a card". 

Alicia closed her eyes, remembering middle school.


Sarah laughed as Dori chased her around the gym.

"It's my necklace!" Dori shouted. 

"Not anymore!" Sarah shouted back, waving Dori's necklace in the air.

But soon, Sarah tripped, and went sprawling on the floor. Dori quickly grabbed it out of Sarah's reach.

"You are the craziest person I have ever met" . Dori panted.

Sarah just  gave a weak thumbs up from her position on the floor.

Alicia, Madison and Ciara ran up. That day, Ciara was wearing her usual blue shirt with jeans and grey jacket. Her black converse was tied like she had learned yesterday. 

"You two are completely insane". Madison stated.

"That's what I just said to wacko over here". Said Dori, Motioning to Sarah, who gave another weak thumbs up.

Ciara laughed, and tackled Dori, And alicia followed.

**End flashback**

"Wales!" Sarah shouted, standing up.

Alicia and madison gave her a confused look.

Sarah beamed. "Oh wow, Dori is smart!" Her smile faded. "Even though it is a little obvious. Dissapointing." She said.

"Can someone please give me a hint about what's going on?" Madison said.

Sarah turned to madison. "Wales. She's in Wales." Alicia's eyes lit up with intrest. Madison just looked plain confused.

"As in the animal?" Madison asked.

Sarah laughed. 'No, Not the animal. Wales, England."

Madison whispered a quiet "Ohhhhh" and smiled.

"This is going to be interesting."


End notes:

Okay, so I know this is kind of short, but I was rushed. I'm really liking this story so far!

So anyway, I'll ask for suggestions later but for now I have a few things planned. I would like to remind you, I KNOW THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!! They are in real life. Even though the names are fake, the personalities are real.

SO anyway, thanks for reading this!



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