Tell me the truth

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It was Thursday lebron was out on his games so kelly was a little lonely when trey came up behind her

"What do you want" she asked seeing him through her mirror

"You said you wanted to know about lebron" he said

"Oh what is it" she asked

"Well lebron doesn't have a game today he got kicked off the team last week" trey said

"What but he has tournaments all over the country" kelly said

"Well he doesn't have games though" he said

"You're on the basketball team" she asked

He nodded

"That's how I know" trey said

"Well why would he lie to me about being kicked off" kelly asked

He shrugged

"Maybe he was to embarrassed" trey said

"Well I'll see you around" he said and walked away

Right pass bey and Michelle who were walking towards her

"Hey what were you talking to trey about" bey asked as the two stood in front of her

"Nothing" Kelly lied

"Don't tell me you're cheating on lebron with him" Michelle said

"No but it's not like he's any better" kelly said

"Kelly what are you talking about" bey asked

"Trey told me lebron got kicked off the team last week" kelly said as she grabbed her crutches to stay steady

"For what?" Michelle asked

"I don't know but he lied to me" kelly said

"Honey I'm sorry" bey said

"You want us to talk to lebron for you" Michelle asked

"No but if you see him tell him I said we need to talk" kelly said and walked away with her crutches

Bey and Michelle looked at each other worriedly.

Kelly walked right into lativa neither one of them said a word just stared at each other.

"Excuse me" lativa asked

"You're in my way" Latvia said

"So you can go around me there is a whole other side of the hallway" kelly said

"Well I wanna be on this side" Latvia said

"Do you really wanna tick me off today" kelly asked

"Kinda" Latvia said with a smile

Kelly scoffed and walked right around her

And Latvia rolled her eyes and turned and watch kelly walk away

Kelly got on the elevator and got in her phone the elevator had then stopped but the doors didn't open

"Hello hello" she banged on the door just as bey walked by

"Kelly is that you" bey asked

"Yeah I heard she was stuck" lativa acted as if she didn't do anything

"Yeah it's me go get help" kelly yelled

"Okay I'm on it" bey said running down the hall to go get help from the teachers and whoever could help

By the time bey had gotten help everyone was wondering what had happen Michelle letoya Latvia Shawn and trey were outside of the elevator

"How did she actually get stuck in there" Michelle asked out loud

"Maybe the elevators broken" lativa said

"But that doesn't make any sense these are one of the new elevators" letoya said

"I don't know" lativa said

"What do you mean you don't know" kelly said on the other side of the elevator

"You were the one that saw I was locked in here" kelly yelled

"Kelly honey don't panic bey went to get help" Michelle said

Kelly was claustrophobic and the elevator was not that big

"Don't panic what the hell you mean don't panic I already am" kelly yelled falling to ground

Then bey came running down the hall with firefighters

"Okay everyone stand back" one fireman said everyone all together took to steps back

The firemen opened the elevator with a crowbar and eventually opened it

Kelly ran out hugging bey and Michelle

"I thought I never see the daylight" kelly said hugging them

"Kelly you were only in there for 30 minutes chill" bey said

Thats when lebron walked up

"Uh kelly can we talk" he asked

She nodded as they walked from they're friends

"What do you want" kelly asked pissed off at him

"I was wondering why have you been avoiding me" lebron asked

"I think you know lebron" kelly said

"What are you taking about" he asked

"You never told me you got kicked off the basketball team" she said crossing her arms

"And you lied to me about you going to do tournaments all over the country so where are you going really" kelly asked crossing her arms

"Uh well I was gonna break up with you but I couldn't so I made up this scheme that I was moving away" he said

"Wait breaking up with me why is there something I did" she asked

"No it's not you it's just we can't be together" he said

"Is that what you really want" she asked

He nodded

"Fine I'm not you girlfriend anymore" kelly said and walked away right past lativa who was smiling

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