Chapter 4

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Then the ambulance pulled up they put the stretcher in and said that only one of us could go with her. Immediately Lily jumped in. Kylie and Maria jumped in Maria's black Ferrari and drove to the hospital. They had to sit in the waiting room until the ambulance got there. 50 million thoughts were running through their minds about what was going to happen to Tabatha.

She plays field hockey and if she had a stroke like the nurse thinks, she can't play anymore. The girls knew how much field hockey meant to her. "What are we going to do now,"Kylie said to Maria."She is going to get through this,we are going to be by her side every step of the way." Maria replied.

Then,the triage nurse said," Family and Friends of Tabatha Smith."They all stood up. By that time Joey had rushed over to see if everybody was okay. We all went into room A57. Tabatha was hooked up to several machines, and looked very pale. It was so hard for the girls to see their best friend be so sick. Then the pulse machine started to drop.

"What's happening?Maria asked the nurse. "She is going into a shock!"yelled the nurse.

They had to take Tabatha to the Critical care unit. Then the told the girls and Joey that they had to sit in the waiting room. Immediately Kylie wasn't happy with that. She slapped the nurse in the face and screamed," she is my best friend. I am going in there with her and I don't care what you say. You are so stupid, you can just leave now because you suck at your job!" screamed Kylie.

"You have to leave now said the nurse," NO! YOU LEAVE!!!!"yelled Kylie. "I am a fantastic nurse and I am fantastic at my job,"said the nurse. "What the hell are you talking about,you suck and you should be fired." Said Kylie. Then Kylie regretted all she said because, 2 muscular body guards came and took Kylie to the police station. "Great, Tabatha is in critical care and Kylie just got taken to the police station!" Said Lily.

Hey guys, I don't know why but, I love this chapter! 💕Maria

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