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Limping into the lecture hall, I took a seat next to this guy. He had an afro of hazel brown hair, his chocolate brown eyes glimmered in the room's terrible lighting. His smile was friendly.

"Hey, you must be new around here. I haven't seen you around before." I stated as I sat myself down beside him. His gaze locked on to mine as he turned his head. He quickly nodded as his friend peered over at me, grinning like an innocent little kid who just broke an ancient vase.

"Yeah, I'm Wade, Wade Barnes. The guy next to me is Mark Fischbach." Wade introduced himself and his over energetic friend. Mark wore glasses and had ash black hair. Wade, on the other hand, started to grow a beard whilst having a massive Afro.

"Name's (Your full name)." I Introduced myself. They both smiled and gestured for me to sit down next them. I obeyed as a smile appeared on my face. The lecture started.

---------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------

I packed my notes away, walking out of the enormous lecture theatre. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. Glancing up at the person, I noticed that it was Mark. Wade and another guy strolled around side us.

"I'm guessing you need something. Also, who's the other guy?" I question as I give a small wave to the bloke. He cheerfully smiles as he waves.

"That's Bob." Wade introduces him as they drag me towards the exit. A smile placed on my face.

"We'll be your friends." Bob told me.

-----------Time Skip into the future-----------

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Wade yelled, causing me to fall off my my computer chair. He burst out laughing, a smile still plastered on his face.

"WADE!!" I yelled, almost destroying  my lungs. Once I managed to sit back up on my chair, to see Wade crying with laughter.

"(Y/n), meet the Dem Salty Boys. PatrckStatic, JPw03. We're waiting for two more. One is in the group whilst one just plays with him." Wade explained as JP and Patrck, who seem friendly. The skype call added another person, who appeared to be screaming.

"For fucks sakes, Damian! I need pizza!" The girl screamed at this Damian guy. From  the background, I heard a deep laughter from the Damian bloke.

"Tyler, meet my friend, (y/n)." Wade introduced me. She looked at the screen, her face bright red from embarrassment. We both looked at each other, tension building in the atmosphere.

"Finally, tomboy power!" We shouted in unison, before laughter took over the pair of us.

Another person joined.

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