Chapter Eighteen - Mission Number Two

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“We’ve ground to a halt,” Nika announced. “We need to do something. Fast.”

“Tell me what you have in mind and I’ll arrange it,” Luo promised.

“That’s the problem,” Nika groaned. “I don’t have anything in mind.”

The Council of Triumph, bad-tempered as always, sat in varying states of disarray around the low table. Nobody spoke for a long time.

“I have a thought,” Fuya said, eventually.

“You do?” Nika couldn’t hide her surprise.

“Yes!” Fuya snapped. “I do! I’m not just your baby sister, Nika!”

“What’s your idea?” Luo hastily intervened.

“Neutral Ground,” Fuya said, smugly.

There were blank faces.

“What about the Neutral Ground?” Tricks asked, eventually.

“I want a raid.”

“Why?” the Raven scowled. “We broke the Dock, didn’t we?”

“Oh, sure,” Fuya shrugged. “I was just thinking about all those storehouses and great buildings of pre-ruler things sitting there and waiting patiently….”

“Oh!” Tricks gasped. “Genius!”

“Where will we target?” Luo grabbed a piece of paper and the stub of a pencil. “What’s our aim?”

“We just want a little look around,” Fuya grinned. “See what life was really like before those days. Maybe steal the odd thing.”

“Target the department store,” Aono supplied.

“The what?” Fuya frowned at him.

“Big building. Like one shop that sells everything. From food to furniture. Trust me, there will be lots of things there for the taking.”

“Old style clothes and equipment,” Tricks bubbled, excitedly. “Amazing things! Miraculous things! Oh god, do you think they’ll have those music thingummies?”

“You mean earphones? Almost certainly. Very banned. Very illegal.” Luo was scribbling away. “We want to be quiet or explosive?”

“Quiet,” Nika said, immediately. “Subtle. Slide in under their noses. Never do anything the same way twice.”

“Right. Right,” Luo spoke rapidly, firing off the words like missiles. “How many people?”

“Thirty,” Fuya ordered. “Including us. Ten of mine, ten of Nika’s, ten of the Raven’s.”

“That’s a lot of people,” Aono looked doubtful. “We don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

“Squeamish?” Tricks grinned.

Aono went to stand but Nika pushed him back.

“It’s a good number,” she told him. “This isn’t some quick in-and-out mission. We want a good look round. We want to make it obvious that they don’t frighten us.”

“They terrify me,” Luo said, conversationally.

“Luo,” the Raven replied, patiently. “Never say that again.”

“When do you want this launched?” Luo continued, as if the Raven hadn’t spoken.

“This afternoon?” Nika suggested.

“Tomorrow morning!” Luo protested. “At least!”

“Every second is a second wasted,” Nika argued. “He who hesitates, dies.”

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