Chapter 1.5

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A/N ENJOY! This one's much longer! And there's Danielle Campbell as Alexandra up above.

I lathered my hair with the first  bottle of shampoo I saw. I don't know if I put too much or too little.I wasn't paying much attention to that. Instead, my thoughts were on other things. Or should I say other people?


It had been so long since I last thought of him and his resurfacing in my thoughts was clearly due to the fact I might even see him in school today. The school I thought I would never come back to, along with the person I thought I would never see again. Guess you could never be too sure about anything.

There was a loud banging on the door bringing me up and out of my mind, reminding me where I was ; In my brothers bathroom instead of in the privacy of my own. The water hit and flowed over my skin from the shower head directly above, effectively blurring the shouted words coming from the other side of the door.

" Give me a minute! I can't hear you!" I tried to rinse out the shampoo in a rush which didn't work out well. So I slowed down and did it right.

Finally, I stepped out the shower and wrapped one of my brothers purple towels around my body. I'd always questioned his love for the color purple and his answers where always along the lines of " shut up" or " fuck off". 

" Alexandra! You've been in there over an hour" This of course was followed with some more abuse on and through the door.

Had I really been in here that long? What time was it?

I rolled my eyes. " It's not like you actually want to go to school James. Put a sock in it."

I opened the door to a view of an angry older brother looking down at me due the height difference that some would have found intimidating. I didn't,  I just glared at him.

He was in his boxers and nothing else. His dirty blonde hair , a trait we both shared, had that " just out of bed " look probably from the fact the was just out of bed.

" Used my shampoo, huh? Guess someone's excited to be reunited with a certain some one today" He laughed.I glared and pushed past him.

He knew I was anything but excited.

I opened the door to my room. 

I was good at many things. Insults. Protecting those I love. Sleeping. However, my organization skills weren't to par with those I listed before.

Case and point?

Nikki was still peacefully sleeping in my bed despite the fact she had to shower and dress in less than eight minutes.

She was asleep. Why wouldn't she be? No one else was going to wake her.

The only reason I showered in James's bathroom was so she could shower in mine an hour ago.  I was meant to wake her but somehow I forgot and here she lay in a slumber so peaceful with her lashes fluttering slightly with each breath. It would be a sin to wake her from such a state. A sin I would just have to live with.

 I screamed at her."NIKKI! RISE AND SHINE, FLOWER! NIKKI! NIKKI!"  She rose with a start in a state of panicked confusion.

Of course,  some would think this wasn't the best method of waking a child. Well, the members of  my family needed a rude awakening just to get us to open up our eyes. Especially Nikki and I. We slept like the dead, to the point we might as well be.

 She looked to me with eyes opened wide.

" Okay, hun . I'm sorry but we don't have time for you to  shower today. I need you  go and put on your favourite dress" How could you go wrong with a one piece outfit? That's right. You couldn't.  "Brush your teeth and Ill do your hair.Remember the bag we packed together last night? Don't forget that okay? "

 With that done I began to search for my outfit. This in it self would be a small adventure due to the unfavourable state of my room.

I pulled out a simple black tank top from under my bed, I found a clean pair of apple green short-shorts hanging from my bed post. A  bra from the floor and a pair of matching panties along with a pair of mismatched socks from the hidden depths of my drawer. Putting on the items, I tripped over and onto a pair of white converse which I chose to wear.  The only thing I actually found in the closet was  one of my dads old leather jackets. I put on this ensemble while I released my hair from its bun which I put in for this adventure. It fell to my lower back.  Thank God it was dry.I didn't have time to do anything to or for it. So I simply left it as it was.  I felt as thought this was good enough. Either way screw it.

"Alexa! Get your ass down here! I'm giving you two minutes." Clearly James was ready. And he knew I wasn't.

I basically fell through the door and into my bathroom where I found my make up bag. I put on some mascara. Again, I didn't have time for anything else. This was a good as it was gonna get.

I found  Nikki sitting at the foot the bed with her bag and mine beside her, waiting for me do something with her hair like I said I would.She was dressed in her snow white dress.

I hit my palm to my forehead. I'd forgotten that was her favourite dress. We didn't have time to change. She'd simply have to go like that. She obviously wouldn't mind.

Thank fully she'd brushed her hair and it was easy enough to put it into a simple and quick French braid.

We rushed down the stairs to the kitchen for some version of a breakfast. Sitting in the kitchen was James and my mother. James wore a simple white V-neck, jeans and some chucks. Mother of course looked immaculate as she rarely failed to be during the week. Even when at home with us. Her unnaturally platinum blonde was pulled tightly into an impeccable bun, with every stray wisp tamed by hairpins. Her make up was simple and elegant.  A classic look of hers. She was in a black, spotless pant suit. She really did look as though she belonged in some high class office with some powerful men and women, just like her.

 I made Nikki and I a bowl of cereal. I saw mum assess Nikki's clothing to which she reacted by sending me a questioning glance. Looking between Nikki and I, it was clear that she wasn't sure on whether to question it by the way she opened and closed her mouth. Finally, with her brows furrowed she decided to turn to me and ask.

" Why is she wearing that?"

I didn't even get the chance to answer as the one in that was in question answered  with pleading eyes instead. " It's my favourite mummy. Alex said to wear my favourite."

The woman didn't even last a second under her gaze as she softened towards her daughter almost immediately.

" All right honey. " She turned to James while she stood."Time for school now, right?"

 We left the house and drove to school in a flash. Once the  school came into sight. I could only think one thing.

I will never find any place as basic or cliché as  Blue Mountain High and I, Alexandra Rosaline Kent returns.

A/N Hey! Here's chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed it!  Tell me what you think about it and Comment! Vote!

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