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" Come on in!" A lady in an alabaster white lab coat vibrantly chirped. She seemed quite young, and looked to be in her early twenties. Her chocolate brown hair was neatly tied back onto a loose ponytail, and her pristine white lab coat was without a smudge, except for a crimson red name tag, which read 'Sasha' with capital letters and a smiley face. Sasha's spacious medical office consisted of a cot, various medical supplies, instruments, and machines, all of which were the same alabaster white as the rest of the building, including the walls.

"Why are these people so obsessed with the color white?!" Katrina thought.

Sasha reached into her lab coat pocket and pulled out a.....potato?  Katrina had to admit that she was pretty repulsed by the fact that some people ate potatoes whole. Munching on her potato, Sasha guided Katrina to a white cot, where Katrina then sat on. Sasha grabbed an office chair with wheels, slid it to near where Katrina's cot was, and sat down. With a smile, she addressed Katrina. " Right now, I'm going to conduct some medical tests, and ask you some questions about yourself, and then you can be on your way! Feel free to ask me any questions you have." She said everything with that same vibrant smile - a smile Katrina was too naive to know was fake.

Sasha quickly got to work. " I'll begin by taking your pulse." She said. She brought out a stethoscope from the cabinet behind her, and held it to Katrina's chest. Sasha listened, but she could barely hear or feel any heart beat. Her smile still remained, but her shock filled eyes betrayed it. She kept on listening, searching for any sign of life, and then she found it. Katrina's heartbeat was faint, and only beat once every 5 minutes, but Katrina was alive nonetheless. 

"How is this girl even alive?" Sasha wondered. "She must barely be alive, if her heart barely beats."

Sasha reached over to her desk and picked up a coffee mug. " Can you pick up this cup?" She asked Katrina.

Katrina wondered why the coffee mug handed to her read 'Potato Girl'. This woman really was obsessed with potatoes. Ignoring the label on the cup, Katrina lifted the cup with ease.

Sasha was surprised, but not as much as she was with Katrina's heartbeat.

" So she really is healthy." Sasha thought. Next on Sasha's list, which read 'Placement Procedures', she would have to conduct a blood test on Katrina.

" I'm going to conduct a blood test on you, if you're fine with that." Sasha asked.

Katrina really had no choice but to comply. " Ok." She replied

After the blood test was finished, Sasha observed Katrina's blood sample under a microscope. She could see that Katrina's blood type was AB negative, but there was something off about the blood cells that she couldn't identify. There was something - a virus maybe?- attached to them. After running a few tests on them, Sasha stifled a gasp. Could it be? Was it the same virus that wiped out billions in the Apocalypse? She would have to alert the government about this. After the girl's placement test.

Sasha turned to Katrina and plastered the same fake "smile" onto her face. 

" For the next part of your exam, I'll be asking you some questions about yourself. Follow me into the next room please. And with that, Katrina rose up from her cot, and followed Sasha out of the office door into the next room.

The Placement room.

The Placement Room right around the corner from Sasha's office, and was nearly identical to the office, except it lacked a cot and medical supplies. The room was completely bare except for two chairs, one of which had a strange contraption attached to it.

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