Hello people of Wattpad, jolly good to see you! Anywho, this is--as the title states--just for laughs, so if there are horrible spelling errors, or infuriating teen slang (which there shouldn't be--of either--I'm pretty good) then just pretend you don't see them ;D
I would love to take credit for this, but I can't as I found it on the internet. Unfortunately I was so excited about the idea I immediately closed the internet (to rid myself of distractions) and went about trying it, naturally forgetting to save the website in the process. So if any of you have actually seen this before, please do let me know so I can give due credit!
So the basic gist of the idea is to put your mp3 player of choice on shuffle and add 'in my pants' to the end of each song title that pops up. It doesn't work all the time, but when it does it's bloody hilarious. Fortunately I got a fair few of the said hilarious ones, and jotted them down for good measure. When I told my good friend firecracker321 about this, she had a few ideas and wanted to put her two cents in. So the next 'chapter', so to speak, will be of her contribution. Thanks Megs! =)
And by the by, I will have comments next to most of them because some of them are just too hard to resist ;D They're ranked--vaguely-- in order of funniness, from least to most, in my opinion.
Without any further ado, I give you 'Just for Laughs... In My Pants...'
In My Pants
Judas in my pants (Ah, Lady Gaga explained.)
Crawl in my pants.
Breathless in my pants.
Better Days in my pants.
Spit It Out in my pants (Cheers to my brother's old Slipknot albums!)
Caught Up in my pants (Mental images of me tripping over whilst putting on my pants haunt me...)
Land of Confusion in my pants (I think most small children would agree with this one.)
Rip It Up in my pants (Rip what exactly?...)
Yes in my pants (Ah Coldplay how I love thee...)
Punches, Kicks, Trenches and Swords in my pants (O.O >.< How big are your pants, man? I don't even know this song let alone how it got in my music files...)
It's Not My Problem, in my pants (Really? You sure about that? I kinda think it is. After all... they are yours...)
Hot in my pants (So why don't you take them off? ;} Sleazy pick-up lines! Whey-hey-hey!)
Hometown Glory in my pants (I can't... I just... can't.)
Foreign Land in my pants (Just how foreign are we talking? Like New York? Or Tokyo?)
The Rockshow in my pants (And yet another skeezy pick-up line... in my pants. See, you can put it on the end of everything! It's magic, I tell you, MAGIC!!!)
Don't Cry for Me Argentina in my pants (Not dirty, or extremely awkward. But firecracker321's making me post this one for the sheer randomness of it. *Gives firecracker321 evils* You know what you did... in my pants... Haha, oh how I love this thing!)
Damn Regret in my pants (Don't we all? *le sigh*)
Tremble for My Beloved in my pants (I don't even know this song, so it must belong to someone else in my family. Still, it's quite humorous... *Does Dr Sheldon Cooper-esque guffaw*
Off With Her Head in my pants
The Garden That You Planted in my pants (Ah Sea Wolf, as awkward as ever... *tips top hat*)
Just for Laughs... In My Pants...
HumorJust for Laughs. In My Pants... TheDivineMissM & firecracker321