Life Has a Hopeful Undertone

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Blizen POV

I awoke to white walls and bright lights, unaware of what had happened or where I was. My head pounded like I'd been hung over. I groaned and turned over on my side.

Just then, someone came rushing towards me; A female dwarf with short hair pulled severely back from her stony face. (No pun intended.)

I tried to speak, but my mouth felt like it was full of cotton. My head felt like an over inflated balloon. After gathering enough saliva in my parched mouth, I was finally able to speak.

"Wh-what happened? Where am I?"

The nurse gave me a sympathetic smile. "You were out a long time. There was a fight in the bar. Someone brought grenades. As for who did it, I do not know. Apparently, there were some people that had been planning to attack the bar for a long time. You got pretty beat up yourself."

So the grenades weren't entirely my fault.

I rubbed the bandage on my arm. It was still sore, still tender. There was dried blood around the edges, brown and crusty. I looked down and discovered that I still had many more bandages wrapped around various parts of my body.

Images flashed through my head of the events that had occurred last night. I still couldn't remember all of the details, but I remembered punching Junior in the face. I remembered the chaos that had ensued, and being beat up myself. I remembered the explosions that left my ears ringing, and the roaring of an inferno.

The nurse changed my bandages and gave me something to eat, but I didn't taste it. Even curried vegetables had no flavor to me now.

I was released from the hospital in a week. I was still sore, and had some still healing scars. Sighing, I unlocked my apartment. My apartment.

I hadn't imagined myself thinking those words so soon. Yet here I was without a family, except for an immortal goddess who had hundreds of children, possibly thousands. I was just one of the outcomes from a favor, the stupid construction of a stupid necklace. My father made jewelry for Freya, and he got me in return.

I raked my hands through my overgrown hair, that I had not trimmed in a long time. Surprising, for someone like me, for someone who had such excellent taste in style.

I stripped off my clothes and went straight to bed, not bothering to think about Junior or grenades or my father.


Curse these Nidavellir buses.

I had specifically arranged my schedule so I would be dropped off near the neighborhood where I lived. But no, I had to be dropped off behind the shady SvartMart, where people left their trash and table scraps.

Mentally cursing the bus schedule, I began the departure home by foot. It was getting dark, although it was always dark here.

I had not gotten very far when I noticed something most unusual. Next to the heaps of trash sat a glowing bundle of clothing, something that gave off a pearly glow, like the Midgard moon.

The glow kept flickering in and out, like a dying lamp. Then the bundle shifted, and I knew that it was not just clothing, but a person.

I warily approached the person, trying to not look like a threat. What sort of thing glowed in Nidavellir? Everything here is so dark because dwarves cannot live in sunlight. We thrive in darkness.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you all right?" I could only assume that this person was a man. The person did not answer me. I repeated myself. Still no answer.

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