I'm On the Run and Go

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Hearthstone POV

I opened my eyes to what looked and felt like sunlight. I didn't know where I was. I couldn't lift my head.

For a moment I panicked, but then I remembered. That dwarf, Blitzen. He'd found me and taken me to his apartment and made me this bed so I could recover.

The only thing...How did I get out?

I willed my breathing to steady. I would not begin hyperventilating. That was one of the worse things that could happen right now. As a last resort, I began pounding on the sides of the box.

I didn't want to freak Blitzen out, but I did need to get out of here.

After about ten seconds the lid of the tanning bed was lifted, revealing a panicked looking Blitzen.

"You had me worried there!" Blitzen said, the words on his lips.

I'm okay.

I lifted myself from the bed, a little stiff. I stood and stretched, taking in my surroundings. I was in Blitzen's kitchen, and I could tell from the aroma that he was cooking bacon.

Blitzen offered to look at my injuries, so I let him. Well, I say offered. Blitzen placed his iron strong hands on my shoulders and carefully but surely forced me to sit.

I lifted my cut ankle and undid the knot of gauze. Blitzen gently moved my fingers away and did it himself. The cut looked better today. It had bled overnight, apparently, because there was dried blood crusted on the bandage. At least it had scabbed up afterwards.

After rubbing some antiseptic around the wound, Blitzen retrieved a new bandage and wrapped up my ankle again. "There you are, kid."

Thank you

Blitzen gestured for me to sit, and I did so. He slid a plate towards me, which consisted of bacon, eggs, and toast.

I looked at the food, unsure of what to do. I had caused Blitzen enough trouble for now. He had built me a sun bed, for crying out loud! I needed to get a move on, not linger. Yet he had made me this breakfast, and if I declined, that would be rude, obviously.

If it was one thing that my father had taught me, it was that if someone made you a meal, you ate it. No matter how hungry you were, though, you ate it slowly.

I did just that.

The crease between Blitzen's eyes deepened. "You can eat more, you know," He said clearly. "There's plenty of food."

I shook my head, the plate clean. I patted my stomach, the universal sign for I'm full.

Thank you, I signed, putting my hand flat against my lips and moving it towards Blitzen. It was almost as if I was blowing a kiss towards him. Evidently he understood, saving me from what could've been partial embarrassment. With this I placed my dishes in the dishwasher.

The dwarf didn't even let me help clean up. I watched from the couch as he loaded the dishwasher and turned the stove off.

Once Blitzen was finished with breakfast clean up, I began to write on a notepad that sat on the kitchen table. He took my message and began to read it.

Thank you, Blitzen, for your hospitality, but I still have a long journey ahead of me. If I don't leave now, I'll never get there. I hope you'll understand.

Blitzen frowned and began to scrawl something on the page.

Where are you going?

I pursed my lips and wrote down my destination.

Searching For Purpose-Blitzstone (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now