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Authors note: I apologize if there are a lot of mistakes in this chapter. Also I didn't delete Malseb the book is called "Stupid stories

later after the attack, an interview was held for the three heroes. Flair, Wolfgang, and Dino

 Hi! my name is Gee Ponpon. Yep, thats right the Popstar herself! I'm here with the three so called academy heroes!!! YAAAY~!!! LETS GET RIGHT INTO IT!!!!

Gee ponpon: So! Tell me Flair, what were you thinking, how did you feel when you first stepped into that monsters domain!?

Flair: Well, to be honest I was very scared, but if I didn't go then I was afraid that my friend would keep telling me his weird stories..heheh

Dino: But wasn't it interesting!

Gee Ponpon: well what was the story

Dino: well you see it was when-

Flair: Oh its ok! he really shouldn't say!

Wolfgang: No go on Dino..Wait. Is it THAT story?..

Dino: YEP!! the one with all the colorful content

Gee Ponpon: Wait so like..With the birds and the bees?...

Dino: Yeah!

everyone: ...


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