Lil' Sis

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Scenario: You're Gogo's little sister who has a crush on Tadashi.

Sorry for the wait guys, I am very love sick, busy, and uninspired, but I found webtoon and tumblr with scenarios and prompts so this is what I'm going off of. I haven't seen any recent Tadashi x reader writings so...yeah...enjoy.

I stared at him from the back of the room, my eyes fixated on his hair, wondering how it would feel under my finger tips, my thoughts lost in the moment of hopelessly wishing for affection from the man I had taken far to much interest in.

Everything my professor said came out one ear to the next, not a single word was written on the new page of my notebook, it stood awaiting for my pencil to meet the material and create the words to guide me through exams.
But alas, not a single mark was left upon it as the bell rung, my regrets going to the colorless canvas on my desk.

"I should have been paying attention! What was he saying? Something about the two ways smart phones react or something...or maybe it was components? Or HD quality...but why would he talk about that? Grr I need to pay attention! I'm not in the third grade anymore!

I scrambled out of the classroom in a hurry, one thing that did cross my mind was the project we were supposed to complete.

We still had three weeks, but I'm pretty sure creating a new circuit board for a computer that was manufactured, was going to take a long time.

I passed the halls in record speed, past the trophy casses and water fountains, empty classrooms and janitor closets, not paying them any attention.

Finally I arrived at the 'Nerd Lab'.

My older sister, Gogo has been there for a while, and now I'm the second of our family.

At the beginning, I was disappointed by the fact my friends were elsewhere, either in a different class, or a completely different campus.

Though now I've had a change of heart, I've made new friends and a love interest.

I don't know when my feelings developed, but it did and there is now way out of it... unless I become a character in Sirens Lament and forget everything in my past life.

But unfortunately there aren't hot sirens in the world, or a Shon, that would be nice though...

I started wandering off in my own thoughts, muscle memory taking a trek to my lab, the specific one I shared with him.

Tadashi Hamada.

In my eyes he was perfect in every way, sweet, but a sarcastic sense of humor, manly with a childish charm, and a family who understand my obsession with sweets.

And that man just entered the room, my eyes quickly adverting to the white board on the wall, pretending to read my requirements for my project and what page the diagrams were in our textbooks.

"Recreating a motherboard?" His deep voice called out.

I didn't turn to look at him, "Yup."

"Need any help?"

"You know what? I have a feeling that I'll have troubles with the SATA...ahem...1-4...."

"Okay, well how about this. You complete the rest of the board- I'll check for shorts- and when you're done we can work on that that together."

"I like how that was a statement and not a question. But yes, that sounds like a plan Hamada."



"No, (n/n) that belongs here."

"Oh yeah..."

Finally you were done, just to bring it to the rest of the machine.

"Hey wait! Wait we actually did it!" I squealed, grinning from ear to hear, then turning around to give him a high five.

But instead, accidentally smaking him in the face as I turned.

"Oh Tadashi! I am sssooo sorry!" I said, reaching out to his cheek, looking for the inflicted pain, ultimately stepping on his shoe, tripping and pushing him down with me.

"GAH I AM SO SORRY AGAIN!" Trying to get off him as fast as I could I stepped on his stomach

"Ey!" His voice rung out

"(Y/N) STOP HURTING TADASHI!" I yelled at myself, taking a few steps back, then hitting my back against a rolling chair, moving it backwards and knocking myself back to the ground and my oxygen too.

"This isn't dominos you know." A raspy voice came from the floor somewhere else in the room, I barely looked up, then with a huff let myself fall onto the tile again.

~♤~  ~♤~  ~♤~ ~♡~ ~♤~ ~♤~ ~♤~

"So you're telling me, you hit him, tripped over him, then knocked the wind out of him?" My sister questioned from her side of the room, resting on her twin bed

"Well...yes I did in fact do that..." I murmured.

"Good job (y/n), best way to impress your crush."

I glared at her, clutching my pillow, "Hey! You aren't helping Gogo!"

"And neither are you. Pepperoni pizza and coke?"

"Pepperoni pizza and coke."

She stepped out of the room to place our order, and almost as if on que, I got a call."


I cringed and hesitantly picked up the phone.

"S...sup Tadashi."

"So about today..."

"Yeah that"

"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind making it up by going out to lunch with me, let's say tomorrow at two?"

I grinned

"Tomorrow at two."

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