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"Stay. Still." You hadn't even started, you were about to do the first step into your makeup routine.


But Tadashi had other plans and kept moving from your hands that were coated in the product, and squirming away from the camera filming the whole ordeal.


You forcefully placed a firm hand atop his head to keep him still, and diligently applied Tartes' base tape on his...well rather perfect skin.

And he stopped moving and looked like he was enjoying the gentle massage.

"It kind of smells like coconut. What is this stuff?"

"It's called primer, remember the stuff Snoop Dogg called the roots in Nikkie's video?"

"I thought it was actually called the roots..."

You shook your head and didn't say anything as you went on to the next step, grabbing the foundation you had just bought to match his skin tone, and a makeup sponge, you smothered his face in the substance and started pressing his face with the blender.

"whAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He screeched, trying to push you off again only for you to grab him like you did before.

"I'm putting foundation on you, you unintelligent baboon."

"What does it do?"

You stopped blending the product once you had it smoothed out, then ran your fingers through your hair.

"It evens out your skin tone...not that you really need it anyways..."

He touched his face to feel the cosmetic material on his skin but you slapped his hand away.

"Hey why did you do that?"

"Oh my God, Tadashi, you're such a child, DO NOT touch your face until I tell you you can or you'll mess it up."

You grabbed the next item, concealer, you already knew he was going to ask what is was so you answered before he could.

"This is concealer, it's really just to get rid of natural shadows and highlight certain parts of your face" and you traced under his eyes, his nose bridge, cupid's bow, forehead, and chin with the wand. Blending it all in when you finished. Then grabbing your powder and he groaned.

"We are going to be here forever!"

You grinned.

"Maybe next time you shouldn't challenge me at Mario Kart."

He nodded in defeat "Yeah you're right." But both of you knew full well next week he was going to do the same thing again, and end up in a similar situation.

You applied the powder under his eyes, and went over to grab your contour pallet as a way to let the product settle into his skin; eventually going over it with another brush.

You began to explain the next step. "I'm going to contour your face, the further we get into this the more cooperation I need from you okay?" He just shrugged.

"Okay can you hollow out your cheeks for me? I can get to your cheek bones better that way."

He got this mischievous glint in his eyes, he hollowed his cheeks sure, but stuck his tongue to the side of his mouth, and brought his hand up to demonstrate a rather sensual action.

"You're disgusting."

"Really? But (y/n) you've done this to me a million-"

"Tadashi s-shut up!" You're face was a red that none of the cosmetic colors around you could compete with.

Sailing Ships (Tadashi Hamada x Reader One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now