0:26 Reaction

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// They were all wrong, if you haven't seen the season finale- do not read.//


   All of us gathered around: Betty, Jughead, Archie, Veronica, Kevin and I. We'd discovered a USB drive, hidden inside Jason's varsity sweater- that Joaquin had hid. Betty plugged in the USB, and the anticipation filled the entire room.

"There's a video." Veronica pointed out.

"Play it." I assure a nervous looking Betty. Jughead noticed as well, and rubbed her shoulders.

We were all a nervous wreck when the video began to play, we all gasp when we see Jason, sitting in a single chair; who knows where. He looks pretty beat up, his eyes were distant as if he knew in a way what would happen to him. One of the serpents, the man that Archie fought, walked into the room and began to punch Jason. I felt myself begin to cry and dig my nails into my palms; I took a quick look at my friends. Betty was in shock, Veronica had her mouth covered with both hands, Archie had no emotion displayed, Kevin was in shock as well, and finally Jughead- appeared to be tense. What if it was his dad?

A loud burst of the door, made me flinch and I realized it was from the video. Kevin held my hand to calm me down, as Mr. Blossom entered the room in which a tired Jason sat. Alone, oh how alone he must have felt. There were words coming out of Mr. Blossom's mouth but I tuned it all out when I saw him take out a gun and pointed it at his sons head.

He wouldn't dare. But oh he did.
Bang ..
One bullet straight to the head, and Jason blossom was dead.

Jason Blossom's killer was his own father. The Riverdale mystery was solved, now we could all be at peace .. right?

[this has been in my drafts for awhile. But I was too lazy to post, it's also not my best work but I really needed to say something.
Thank you so so much for 10k reads, I honestly can't believe it. I have pretty awesome readers . Seeing you guys vote, comment, and add this story to your reading lists- puts a huge grin on my face. Don't worry, I just finished testing today so hopefully I can find some time to write some requests I have.. I'm so excited for the future of this book ... I've been thinking of creating a book based on a riverdale character or cast member - but who? And what should it be about? I'd like to see your input! ]

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