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Ethan☆- So how is the lovely Peebs doing?

Amy♡- Could be better.
Mark's making me stay at Kathryn's

Ethan☆- Why's that?

Amy♡- He said he has stuff he needs to plan for the stream so he's going to be extremely loud

Ethan☆- Oh
Weird but okay
But you like staying at Kathryn's so it's not all bad

Amy♡- Yeah that's true
Kathyrn is just really sweet

Ethan☆- Hopefully one day I'll be able to meet her

Amy♡- Yeah
Hey how about this summer her and I come down to Maine?

Ethan☆- Sure!
That'd be super fun
Right now the winter here is kicking our ass

Amy♡- I miss snow but I do love the warm LA weather
Hey I'm going to head to sleep
Night blue boy

Ethan☆- Goodnight Amoo
Message read

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