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Shelly pov:

I sighed when I wrote the letter to the guys and to my dearest daughter who won't be my daughter after this.

'I have to do this I can't be a mother anymore , Tehya loves the crew so they will have to adopt her ' I thought sobbing

"This is the devil's fault since he possessed her and no one wants a girl who hurts people by touching them" I growled to myself

I got up and breathed to calm down I got the letters and went into my daughters' room to see she's asleep

I quietly went to her bed and put the letters on the table right next to her ' I have to do this' I repeated in my head I kissed her head goodbye

And I left to have a new life without a daughter or spirits I smiled at that thought

Tehya pov:

WAKE UP!!!!!! I command you to wake you child!  I gasped in my bed scared of the voice but then realized it was just Satuny I groaned "what?"

' I totally forgot about him since the guys came here' I thought annoyed That bitch finally hurt you now I need to kill her he hissed "who are you talking about?" I asked confused

Look on the table next to the bed the letter with your name on it dear he said sadly I stretched and see there is a letter with my name 'Hmm is he tricking me?' I thought opening it

         Dear daughter,

I'm sorry to say but I'm leaving you with the ghost adventure crew. I can't have a daughter anymore especially you who is possessed it disgusts me to see you definitely with him inside your soul. I hope you understand but I want a normal life that I once had before I met your father and had you , I was free before you guys came in my life destroying it. I know you love the guys so I made a note for them ,so give it to them they'll decide on what to do. I know since Zak and the crew came you wanted to be by their side as a investigator , so this is your chance to be who you want to be . Like I said they'll know what I said in the note and will decide if you can join . Remember it's not you but the reason is Satan is possessing you and he'll hurt me if I'm around you anymore . I hope you enjoy your life without me I know I just made you a orphan but it's ok you'll survive I know it . I love you even thought I just destroyed your life but remember Don't show emotions it's nothing but a distraction and be strong  . Good bye Tehya

Love , Mother  

I gasp with tears on my face " s-she left me to be a ORPHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT BITCH!!!!! I HATE HER!!" I screamed heheheheh yes darling I know let your angry grow and I'll be in control he chuckled evilly

I feel nothing but a burning sensation in my body and soul so I did the only thing there is and that is scream then blackness came over me

Zak pov: 

We all are chilling in Tehya's couch I don't know where Shelly is maybe at work but we were laughing and talking when we hear " s-she left me to be a ORPHAN!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT BITCH!!!!!! I HATE HER!!!" someone screamed

We all gasped and stayed still 'that cant be Tehya because she never cuss' I though then we all ran to her room when there was a scream of pain

I knocked the door open to see Tehya's being possessed again but she looks eviler than the last time

I knocked the door open to see Tehya's being possessed again but she looks eviler than the last time

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"TEHYA!!!! LET GO OF HER YOU DEMON!" Aaron said angry "Why should I do that !" she said raspy

"Because we care for her and wont let her go until you do!" I exclaimed getting it's weakness which is protection   and love

"AGH!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS" the demon said disspearing from her body making her fall to the ground Aaron caught her

"ugh..... I - didn't mean t-to I'm s-sorry guys" she said sobbing we all crowded her shushing and comforting her

" Tay what's wrong?" I asked " I-I let him in because of my emotions of pain and weakness " she shivered

We all looked confused and she noticed " the table with the letter will explain it" she said falling asleep in Billy's arms since Aaron got up to the table

"Billy can you put her to bed and  stay with her  " I commanded Billy nodded and carried her to her bed as we go to the living room

     Dear GAC,

I'm sorry but you have a big decision to make because I'm leaving Tehya with you and I want one of you guys adopt her . You don't have to decide now ... maybe wait until the DEVIL is out of her . I left because I just cant take it anymore I need a normal life without Tehya. Zak please I know you'll be pissed off with me, but please let her become a investigator with you guys then you can decide to adopt her or not then say goodbye to her . She'll grow up without a family and become a unlovable person .... and that family needs to be you guys. Again I'm sorry but take your time hope Zak, Billy, Jay or Aaron adopt so she can be happy again. Good bye

Sincerely , Shelly Den Pel

" She really left her like this that bitch!" Jay said sad " One of us will have to adopt her but... who?" Aaron said

"Guys .... enough I'll think of this later ok? But we need to see Tehya" I said angry

They nodded and walked to her room ' why did she do this to Tehya ..... that's why the devil possessed her easily ' I thought

I don't know if anyone of us is ready for a child or teen but I know who would be Tehya's new parent but I cant tell them yet........

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