Exorcism day -good or bad-

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Tehya pov:
I groan as I wake up from my nightmares I been having since getting possessed

I sighed yesterday wasn't a dream Kirk that bastard cheated on me

" Hey doll how you feeling?" Billy asked walking in I shrugged as I yawned

He chuckled " let's get coffee" he said picking me up

Billy is like my father he treats me good but I don't if I want him to be my father

I haven't been thinking about that since the demon started getting active

Billy sat me at the kitchen table when there was a door slammed

I jumped " stupid spirits " I mumbled Aaron chuckled at that

" Morning sunshine!" Zak said pulling the blinds I groan covering  my face

" One coffee for the princess " Jay said I chuckled sipping I spit it out

Everyone looked at me " there's no sugar" I mumbled getting up and got the sugar

Aaron howled of laughter I got annoyed and turned on the water an sprayed him

" Ahhh come on!!" He whined I snorted and sat back down

" Tehya today is the day " Zak said gently I nodded its the exorcism day

" I will do fine " I said getting my energy back

Nick then ran in " I heard what happened come here girly " he said hugging me

" Nick! Cant breathe " I puffed out he mumbled a sorry

" Lets do this guys I'm ready for a good night sleep" I said getting ready

Before I left the guys gave looks saying 'she might not make it '


The priest is here and I'm getting nervous because the demon is sensing the priest

You won't make it I'm stronger than you stop this the voice said

I whispered " no" the priest noticed " is he speaking to you?" He asked I nod

" Ignore him" he said I look down my heart is pounding hard

" Ok lets do this" the priest said Zak and the others are worried

I was tied up on a table thing and I don't want them to see what happens to me

The priest began to bless me of something then I blacked out

Zak pov:
We all are so worried about her I know she's strong but not stronger than this entity

I see she freaking out because the priest put on holy water on her

And she shrieked "get that fucking stuff of of me!" A dark voice said for sweet Tehya

" Give me your name demon!!" The priest yelled she just growled at him

She looks at us " I don't get why she loves you guys , I see darkness in you " she snarled at us

The priest put a cross on her she whimpered " GIVE ME YOUR NAME!!!" He yelled doing some Latin stuff from the Bible

She whimpered " my name is ....Adrianne" the demon said panting

" Adrianne get out of Tehya Rose now!!" The priest commanded

She's trying to get out but she suddenly stop

She looks lifeless I got up and ran to her

" Tehya wake up please we need you" I begged I'm very close to her now I want to be her father

" Tehya wake up I want to be your father darling " I said to her tearing up

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