CHAPTER IV: Secretly Mine

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I'm too selfish to feel that I'm the only one worthy of your love and affection...


The next morning, I woke up full of energy eventhough I lack sleep. I hugged my pillow tight and buried my head into it then scream Milena's name. Gosh! I'm so inlove with her!

I was shocked when someone opened my bedroom door without knocking. It's my mother!

"Liza? What happened? Why did you scream?", she entered and asked me worriedly.

"Mom?! When did you come back? Is Dad with you? I miss you Mom! Where's Dad? I miss him too!", I asked excitedly. I ran to her and hugged her tight. I only see my parents once in a year. Thrice a year if they remembered that they still have children waiting for them.

"Dad is not home, sweetie. But he told me to give you his present and said that he's proud of you getting high grades in school. And that you're still his favorite baby girl. Don't tell your baby sister that or she'll be jealous.", Mom said and laughed.

I pouted, "Mom! I don't need his gifts! I want to see him! The last time we bonded was when I'm six years old!"

"Dad is busy working. I'll be his replacement for now okay? Starting today, I'll be with you and your siblings. We'll be a happy family again. Come on! Breakfast is ready!", she said and patted my head before heading back to the kitchen.

"How could we be a happy family when Dad is not around?", I whispered before following her to the kitchen.

At the kitchen, all my siblings were there, and they were also happy to see Mom. We told her about our activities these past few weeks and she gave us the gifts from our father. I got the biggest and expensive gift. He spoiled me too much because I'm the only who always complain about his absence in our family gatherings.

I'm still thinking about Dad when I reached the school grounds but then I saw 'our mango tree'. My gloomy feeling vanished in an instant. I smiled as Milena's face comes to my mind. I was humming and grinning while sprinting my way to our classroom. This is our first day as secret lovers! Some students laughed at me and I heard them calling me that I'm being a childish brat again. I ignored them and goes on my merry way. Milena don't like them as much as she likes me. I'm so happy!

When I got inside our room, there's still no sign of Milena so I went back outside. I'll just wait for her. Maybe she also slept late last night thinking of our kiss. I blushed just thinking of our moment yesterday.

"Ellie! What are you doing there wandering around like a lost puppy? And why is your face so red?", Nico asked. He's one of my so-called-friends. He walked towards me and his girls followed suit.

"Hi Nic! I'm just waiting for my friend."

"Oh okay. By the way, there's a party on my house tonight, I expect you to be there as always! Jameya will fetch you and Jessie."

"Alright. See you there."

They said goodbye as soon as someone covered my eyes. I smiled. I know this scent!

"Hello, Mi! Good morning!", I said and turned around. I was about to hug her but then I saw some students looking at us, so I chose to hold her hand instead. If I hug her, I may not be able to control myself in kissing her. Our school was not opened to romantic relationships between same sex. It's better to pretend that we're just sweet best friends. Gosh! Her hands is so soft! I want to hold her forever.

She asked why I guess her so easily and I said that she's the only small person I know that has the scent and touch that makes my heart beat fast.

We walked inside our classroom, still holding hands. Luckily, our classmates were all busy or they'll get surprised that Milena and I we're 'friends' now. We sat on the chairs at the back of the room and then she put her backpack over her desk, so we could hide our intertwined hands.

"Mi, I didn't sleep well last night."

"Sorry, didn't hear you. What's that?"

Is her mind off somewhere? Is she taking drugs? Her new drug is Eliza! Ha-ha.

I repeat the question to her and she said that she also didn't sleep well last night. I smiled. We're the same! Thinking about our kiss! But I frowned when she said that she's feeling sick that's why she's late. I removed my hand from hers and moved my chair away from her. I put my headphones and started doodling on my notebook. I hate her! I thought were both excited about our first kiss!

I got busy writing her name in different styles that I didn't notice that she fell asleep beside me. I only saw her taking nap when the substitute teacher walked towards us. That's one cute thing about Milena. She loves to sleep that she could sleep anytime and anywhere she wants!

The student teacher irritated me when she started poking the sides of Milena to wake her up. She could tap Milena's hand or shoulder, but she poked her and looks like she wanted to squeeze my cute girlfriend! I want to cut her hand! How dare her to touch what's mine!

"Five more minutes please!", my girlfriend mumbled on her sleep. Still not aware of her surroundings until our classmates laughed.

She abruptly woke up and I heard Miss Flirty Teacher said, "Hello there, cutie! Wakey! wakey! Good thing I am not Mr. P!" She pinched the tip of Milena's nose before walking away. Oh gosh! That girl made it into my enemy list!

I looked at Milena when I heard her chuckled. Wow! I can't believe this! She's happy that a new girl flirted at her?! I want to wipe that smile off her pretty face! I glared at her and ignored her again. I hate that I'm more jealous than ever!

I ran outside our room when our class ended. I wanted to cry. Milena gave all her attention to that Flirty Teacher! I went inside the bathroom and locked myself in a cubicle. I cried and cried. I hate this feeling. I feel like that anyone could take what's mine. Minutes later, I heard someone knocking at the door.

"Hey, Azil? Are you alright?", Milena knocked and asked me worriedly.

She followed me here? It's so embarrassing to let her see that I'm such a cry-baby!

I wiped off my tears and shouted, "Why are you here? Leave me alone!"

"Hey, are you okay in there? It's lunch time. Zec didn't attend her classes today. So, let's eat together."

Who's Zec? Is that a new girl? Or is it Frincez, another rival? Gosh! Why did you have so many girls in your life, Milena?! I opened the door with so much rage that it made a loud thud on the wall. She checked me from head to toe and then held my hands. She looked at me and I'm avoiding her eyes. She touched my cheeks and asked me if I'm crying. I said no and asked her instead why she's inviting me to lunch. Am I just a replacement to her close friend or ex lover?

Milena smiled and said, "Nope! I really want to have lunch with you alone! This is our first day, right? And Zec is my best friend. I already told you that. We've never been a couple."

She went to the sinkand wet her handkerchief so that she could wipe off my tear-stained cheeksbefore we went outside. So sweet! We held hands walking to the canteen.    

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