Chapter 20

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Kendall's POV:

"I'm gonna bit your ass!" Gigi said. We were playing Mario Kart in Aaron's apartment and let just say Gigi was very competitive. "Not so easy" Aubrey said. "Hailey stop crashing into me!" I said cause Hailey always crash on me. "Hey Bella your blocking my way!" Cara said to Bella. "Guys can we please play now!" The guys said at the back.

One we finish the game we glare at them making them shut up and put their hands in defeat. "where the hell is the pizza?!" Bella said. "yeah I'm hungry" Cara said. The doorbell ring. Aaron immediately get up. We all look at each other confused. Well someone is excited for the pizza. "let's see what's happening" Aubrey said. "all the girls look at each other and nod. We all go downstairs.

When we reach the living room we all hide on the wall and look at the door. We see Aaron talking to a girl. "hmmm I've never seen him smile like that since..." Aubrey trail off. "since that bitch" Cara said. "yeah" we all said. We try to listen closely. "I see your having a visitors since you order this much pizza" The girls said. "yeah my siblings and friends are here too" Aaron said smiling.

"so have you decided what your going to do when everyone was at work already?" the girl said. "wait how did she know about it?" Hailey said. "hmm You See my brother has been texting someone for a while now" Aubrey said. "I smell something fishy" Gigi said. "Guys let's go" I said. "where?" they ask. "we need to interview someone" I said smirking. They all look at me and smirk too.

We all go to the door. "Hey!" we all said. Aaron look at us. I wrap one arm to the girl. "so do you want to hangout with us?" I ask her. Kylie and Hailey push her inside. "uhmm" the girl said. "Guys" Aaron said but we didn't mind him. "I'm Kendall by the way" I said and the other girl said their names too. We pull her to the gaming room. "so what's your name?" Hailey ask.

"My name is Cindy Hales" the girl said. "wait what?!" Aubrey said shocked. We look at her confused. By the way the guys doesn't really care about us cause they're so busy on their game. "Yup that's me" she said. "Then why?" Aubrey ask her while we are still confused. "well now I think I need explain myself" Cindy said looking at us. We all sit around her. "guys let her be" Aaron said. "shut up" I said to him. Cindy chuckle.

"so My parents own an oiling company and we supply oil to different parts of the world. I was the only daughter and that makes me the next heir of the company. But I want to earn my own money so for now I was working in a pizza shop while I'm still looking for a better job" Cindy said and we just look at her shocked. "You see the Hales family was a friend of the Stanford family since both of our family was in business too." Aubrey said.

"so your a rich girl who's trying to make her own money and be independent?" Cara said. "yeah I should've said it that easy" Cindy said. "wow" is all we can say. "Cindy?" we hear Alex said. We all look at the guys looking at us. "Alex hey it's been so long" Cindy said to Alex. "yeah it's been years" Alex said. "wait you guys know each other?" Gigi ask. "yeah we both train the same time to manage a business" Alex said to us.

"what're you doing in here?" Alex ask."delivering pizza" Cindy said. "what?" Alex said. We all just look at the two of them. "now I see why my brother have so many pizza boxes from the same store" Alex said and we look Aaron and see him blushing. "oh shut up" Aaron said and we all laugh at him. "okay who wants to go party tonight?!" Gigi said. "I'm in" Bella and the other said.

"Cindy you should come with us!" I said to her. "No it's fine" she said declining my offer. "oh come on Aaron will be happy if you come" I whisper to her and I see her blush. I smirk at her. "okay but I need to go home and change" she said. "you know you should move in this Apartment Complex" Bella said. "that's a fucking great Idea!!" Kylie said.

"I can't know I'm don't have a great job yet" Cindy said. "oh we will help you don't worry" I said and all the girls smirk at her and she just look at us curiosly. "does you guys mind link each other?" Cindy said we all laugh. "no but don't worry sooner or later you can understand us too" Kylie said.

We all go to each of our apartment and get ready for the club. We all decided to go to the OAK1 tonight before we all get separated because of work. I heard a knock on my door and when I open it I saw all the girls holding their outfits. Taylor, Karlie, Jourdunn, and Hailee were here too. "let's go get ready bitches" Hailee said and we all go to my glam room.

We were all now getting ready. "Guys we need to make Aaron and Cindy together tonight" Hailey said. "who's Cindy?" Taylor ask. We all tell them what happen earlier and they smirk and nod. "okay so we need a plan" Karlie said. "operation CAT on" Cara said. We all look at her confuse. "Cindy and Aaron Together" she said to us in a duh tone. "oh" we all said and nod.

We all talk about what we're going to do we were done now and waiting for the guys. We heard the door open. We all walk downstairs and see the guys ready. "where is Aaron?" Bella ask. "he said he'll pick up Cindy" Zayn said. "oh okay". We all go to our car me and Alex with Aubrey were in the same car. "Hey Aubrey where is Shawn by the way... We haven't seen him with you today" I said looking at her in the back.

"don't ask me about that guy" Aubrey said looking at the window. "what's the fight about?k Alex said still driving. "it's nothing" Aubrey said. "come on tell me" Alex said looking at her sister then back to the road. I heard Aubrey sigh. "he just pissed me off cause he always hangout with this his so called best friend" Aubrey said annoyingly and quoting the word best friend.

"and?" I ask. "then when I ask him earlier if he wants to hangout with us he just said he already makes a plan with that girl cause she leaving in 2 days" Aubrey said and we can say she pissed. "you know I think you're being unfair to him" I heard Alex said. "what do you mean?" Aubrey ask her brother looking pissed.

"well it's unfair for you to be mad at him for hanging out with his best friend while he let you hangout with Jake everytime" he said to his sister. "at least I'm not being flirty" Aubrey said rolling her eyes. "that's the same thing that going in his mind right now... Did you even think of what he feel she he saw you and Jake cuddled to each other... Or when you too hangout and you pick to come to Jake's tour than your boyfriend's tour?" Alex said.

I look at Aubrey and she's looking at the window. "you know I'm not gonna think of that right now I'm gonna get drunk" she said. We reach the club and meet everyone inside in the VIP lounge. We all sit around our boot. "okay let's order drinks" Cara said. Gigi and Cara order drinks. "we need to make one of those to get drunk so someone will confess" Hailey said.

"okay guys" I said. I look at Aubrey glaring at someone. I follow her gaze and see Shawn in the bar talking to a girl laughing "oh no" I said. "oh yes" Aubrey said drinking her shot and getting up. I try to stop her but I was too late she's already walking to their direction. I'm pretty sure Aubrey is a little drunk already.

Oh God this will be a hell long night for all of us. Let just hope nothing so bad will happen.



      So here is another update I hope you guys will like it. I will update soon for you guys I hope you have a great day or night. Byie


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