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3rd person's POV:

Aubrey, Jake, Skyler, and Anwar were already on the Airport waiting for the others. They were all holding their vlogging cameras. They all want to vlog the vacation and share it to their fans. "Okay so our name were here already and we just needed to wait for the others" Jake said.

Soon the others came vlogging too. "Vloggers life!" Justin said and they all chuckle. "Okay our flight is in 20 minutes so let's go get some food since we're riding a normal plane so that means the food suck" Trixie said. "I'm getting some salad" Aubrey said and so the other girls.

"Wow that's new" Xian said earning some glares from the girls. "Well at least they will eat something healthy this time" Anwar said. "Hey! We do eat healthy!" Skyler protest to the guys. "Yeah because chips, ice creams, pizza, burgers, nuggets and fries are healthy" Jake said. "Dude! This body do a lot of work everyday we need to treat it too you know!" Aubrey said and the other girls nod while the guys just shake their heads.

They all order their food and soon they were walking towards the plane boarding. "Your eating already" Skyler said to Aubrey. "I'm hungry fuck off!" She said making the guys chuckle. "Jake hold my drink" Aubrey said handing her drink to Jake. "I'm not your assistant" he said to her rolling his eyes. "Love you too Jakey" Aubrey said to him. They all step on the plane and of course passengers were looking at them especially the teen agers.

They all go to their sits and put their bags on the compartment. "I'm gonna sleep trough out the flight" Trixie said. "you always do that" Justin said from the back. "Shut up" Trixie said. "Bro can I borrow your headphones?" Anwar said to Xian. Xian hand him the headphones. "thanks" Anwar said. Then they all buckle up and the plane takes off. Once they were in the air. Jake suddenly feels something on his shoulder. He look at his shoulder and see Aubrey sleeping.

"She literally can sleep anywhere seriously" Skyler said putting a small blanket over her friend. "That's Aubrey for you" Dove said. "I hope she will feel better in this trip" Trixie said still not sleeping. "She will that's why we're with her" Jake said. "Do you think Shawn and Aubrey will get back together?" Dove ask. "We all know they both love each other so of course they will..." Jake said but he's not that sure either. "why do you think they broke up anyway?" Skyler ask Jake.

"They're both confused I guess" Jake said tilting Aubrey's head so she will be much more comfortable. "what do you mean?" Skyler said. "I mean being two of the most popular person in the world surely is tough and when your relationship is known by everyone of course they will start rumours and that is where it all started" Jake answer. "I mean one way or another if they both really love each other they will soon go back with each other" he added. "yeah" Skyler said.

Everyone then sleep trough out the flight. Soon they arrive at Colorado. They were now waiting for Justin's luggage. "this is one of the reason why I hate going to a normal flight I hate waiting for my luggages" Justin said. After a long time he finally got his luggage and they all start walking outside the airport and see some paparazzi. When they walk out the paparazzi start mobbing them. The guys protect the girls with the help of their body guards.

When they reach the car they all let out a heavy breath. "Damn they're crazy" Anwar said. Soon they all hear a phone ringing. Smear bring out his phone and see his sister is calling him. He answers the Facetime and see Kendall, Gigi, Alex, Zayn, Abel there. "Hey guys" Anwar greet them. "Hey baby brother" Bella said. "Where are you guys?" Gigi ask. "we're in Colorado right now" Anwar said. "Damn I wish we're in a vacation too" Alex said and the others groan.

They all talk for a moment until they finally arrive at the house they're going to stay in.

This is the house.

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