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Aubrey's POV:

So I was going in the car right now with Jake and James Corden for a Carpool Karaoke. A stuff told us to go inside the car so Jake open the door for me and I go to the front while he goes to the back. "Hey! Nice to have you guys in here" James said. "hey it's alright and it's fun to help you go to work" I said to him. "Would you guys mind if we listen to some music?" he ask looking at the both of us.

"let's hear it" I said and James was ready to drive. "Aubrey your seatbelt" Jake said from the back and roll my eyes then put it on. James laugh. "I guess you don't like seatbelt" James said. "she was mad because it sometimes hurt her and I don't even know how" Jake said. "well I don't want to get complains from parents because their kids stop using seatbelt too because Aubrey does" James said and we all chuckle and the first song came up and we sing along with it.

The music stop and We high five each other "So Aubrey you dated a guy and it didn't turn out to be a healthy and a great relationship" James said referring to Carter. "yeah" I said. "so how did you handle everything?" he ask. "uhhmm you know i-its hard to came from a relationship that is happy and great at first then suddenly it will all come down" I said while James keep driving.

"But I mean I'm young and I think every young people even adults make mistakes and face problems you know... And I'm just glad that I have great people that surrounds me and help in every step I take until I am where I am right now" I said smiling. "great answer" he said high fiving me. "I actually broke someone's face that time" Jake said and James laugh. "you did?!" he ask chuckling. "yeah And it's not just me... It's a great revenge" He said and I rolled my eyes. We laugh at something James said then the next song came.

James lower the volume and he fist bump me. "Huge hit" he said. "so Jake Do you have a girlfriend right now?"he ask and Jake shake his head. " yours serious?" James ask shocked. "you I'm serious" Jake said. "But you dated Taylor Hill then Barbara Palvins then back to Taylor Hill" he said and I cut him off. "No it's Barbara then Taylor then Barbara then Taylor then Barbara then Taylor and I don't know what happens next" I said and Jame was chuckling.

"is that true?" James ask still chuckling. Jake shakes his head. "Liar!!" I said and James laugh. "But this is the time you're wearing you impurity ring" James and Jake look at his finger. "it's gone now!" James and we all laugh. "are we still going to pry on my relationship life or what?" Jake's said and we laugh then the next music  started while we sing along with it again.

"Okay so you two have been in this industry since you were kids right?" James ask. "yeah" we both said. "So what is the craziest thing that a fan did?" James ask again. "there is one time when Me, Anwar and Xian were in London for a fashion show were going to walk at... Then when we get out and we were going to get our bags three girls jump out from the trunk of the car!" Jake said. "Oh shit I didn't know that!" I said wide eye.

"so what did you do?" James ask chukling. "we run" Jake said. "we were just scared because they might say we kidnapped them that's all I could think of" Jake said and we laugh. "Maybe they found your impurity ring" I said laughing and James laugh too. "cause you sure not the right person to wear it Maynard" James said and we laugh. "okay so you two never dated before?" James ask.

"no we never" I said. "really?" James said giving us a smirk. "never" Jake said. "Not even a 2 am feeling when you both look at each other and be like you know" he said laughing. "No!!... That is so weird and I we both treat each other like a brother and sister" I said. "yeah we were friends since we were a kid so yeah" Jake said. "play whatever you say" James said. "and I have a boyfriend" I said. "Yeah your dating Shawn Mendez" James said and I smile and nod. Then the next song came on

"that's the new song you just released" James said. "yeah it's basically tell how I feel about some things" I said. "mind telling us how you end up writing a song that have a great meaning?" James said. "you now the song tells how I feel about growing up and being always in front of magazines or news paper or in different social media flatforms... And sometimes what you can see is not always a great thing" I said looking at him while he keeps driving.

"an I just feel and think like...  How can people say this if they didn't even know you. It's sad to think that I'm pretty every girl or boy Gay Bi go through something like this and... You know if you were going to hate make sure to look at yourself first because no one is perfect even you... And don't judge a person by how they act and what you heard... Because you don't know them and you're just thinking that you do" I said. James and Jake clap.

We continue the Carpool and it was done. Me and Jake go back to the hotel that were staying for now because of his concert that I come with. It's been 2 weeks since everyone go to work and I miss all of them especially Shawn I was actually going to surprise him for his birthday next week and I already make a call and settle it. I also keep up of what's everyone doing for the past week and o can't wait to hang out with them again.



Another update for you guys and also. I decided to not just focus and Alex and Kendall's relationship but also in Aubrey and Aaron's relationships. Comment what you guys want to read next.

Thank you for reading I hope you guys like it bad phase vote. Have a great day or night... Bye.


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