#3 taylor Caniff

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Request for - Rcater214

*Ry's POV*
Whoo it summer I thought too my self as the last bell,of the last day of school rang. I really didn't know how to control my excitement, because I got to spend the whole summer with my Bestfriend Taylor mind; I wish he was more than my friend. Ever since 2 years ago when we first met, we got on so well! We just clicked. I don't know how to explain I've always felt something for him.
*few days in the future*
My phone goes as I wake from the best sleep I've had since schools finished.
Taylor: come to my house? Because you llllooooovvvvvvveeeeee me?xx"
I always wish he knew that I loved him more then just a friend! I reply.
Me: you know I love you 😂 and like now?xxx
Taylor:going for the extra kiss there?and yes you are like my Bestfriend we have to spend everyday together! Where have you been the last few days?xxx
Me: being lazy 🙊 and I'm on my way xxx
Taylor: good I missed you 😘💕

Is he sending me mixed messages or does he like me back? I walked as quick as I could to his house. Taylor was so bored!he seems to be asking me like everything in the world, we had nothing to do. After like 50 questions it came to the question 'who do you like?' I refused to answer. 'Ry your my Bestfriend I know everything about you ! Why won't you tell me this?' I finally gave in 'FINE! It's you okay I love you I have since I first saw you' I began to pick up all of my stuff and was just about to leave when Taylor grabbed my arm. 'you really like me?i like you to! I love you how your beautiful green eyes sparkle in the day like, they make the stars look like they aren't even shinning. you look perfect with out even trying' you look in to each other eyes. You felt butterfly's and goosebumps as he touched your cheek his lips slowly moved closer as you touched. FIREWORKS you felt it was amazing.

Sorry it's crap /; I couldn't think with having test week in school 😐
Hannah xx

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