Herlena Leafe

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"Oh guys, please just leave me alone!"
"Leave you alone? You are a freak! You are not like us!"
"Does that mean you guys have to do this?"
"Even her name is weird! Pff who would call their child Herlena!"
"There is nothing wrong with me or my name! Please leave me alone!"

She pushed through the group with her bag in her hand, running through the fields of the farm where she lived next to.

"You can't run or hide forever Herlena!" one of the bullies screamed as they were running after.
Almost home... She was almost home.

As she finally got to the fence of her own farm and house, she jumped over and ran inside.
Just before she shuts the door she hears the bullies say "We'll get her next time!"

"Hello dear" says her mother as she is doing the dishes.
"Hi mom" Herlena said looking and sounding exhausted from all the running.
"How was school?"
"As usual, mom."
"Did those bullies try to get you again?" Her dad asked as he came walking into the kitchen with the newspaper in his hands.
"No, dad." Herlena said doubtingly, and her father noticed that.
"Alright hon, and now tell me the truth." Her father sat down next to her. His glasses were on the point of his nose and he gave the all famous 'I want to know everything' look.

"I'm sorry father, I didn't stand up for myself again." Herlena started tearing up.
"And why didn't you?" Her mother asked as she joined the conversation by sitting on the other side of Herlena.
"I just don't dare to. I am eleven and I can't even stand up for myself. Maybe I really am stupid as they say!" She puts her face in the palms of her hands and slowly starts to cry.
"Now why would you say that Herlena?" Her dad asked shocked.

"It's all because I am a weird freak! Ever since I have been born, weird things happened to me! I don't know why, and I sure don't know how! But I can't stop it and they pick on me for that!"
"What weird things hon." Her mother asked hesitatingly and looking towards her husband in understanding. Herlena's father looked back at his wife with the same look.
"Random things sometimes float, while they shouldn't, sometimes my shoelaces tie themselves! And the worst part happened during gym class. Suddenly I made the ball disappear, thrice! And everybody notices it! And now they think I got a pact with the Devil, or that I am some sort of Witch! Why can't I just be normal!"

When Herlena said the word witch, her parents smiled towards each other, but Herlena's father looked a bit different as if he wants to say something but they shouldn't. His wife understood precisely what he meant.

"Look hon, just stick with it for now. Maybe that is for the best. It's only a month and then you get to move to a new school! And maybe we got a little secret for you about that." Her mother said.
"Xelia! Don't! Now is not the time alright!" Her father said.
"Then when Brandon! When!"
"Soon, But. Not. Now!" Herlena's father said with a big undertone.
"Tell me what?" Herlena asked enthusiastic.
"Nothing dear, you might see soon enough. Now why don't you go to your room, make your homework, and I'll make dinner alright?"
"Alright, thanks mom and dad."
"You're welcome hon." Brandon said.

As Herlena shuts the door and starts making her homework. Still in the living room there are Xelia and Brandon. Brandon looks angry.

"I thought we agreed not to tell her Xelia! Why did you have to almost ruin it for her!"
"Can't you see she is in pain of not knowing what she is!"

Herlena shuts her book and slightly opens the door, to listen into the conversation that her parents were having.

"I can't believe you still push to say it to her! There is a chance because of me she isn't one!"
"And yet there is a chance she is one Brandon! She is eleven! It might just be this summer that she is relieved of all this nonsense!"
"You shouldn't hope for it, Xelia. There is still a chance she is a muggle like me."

Herlena Leafe: A Magical YearWhere stories live. Discover now