Waking Up On The Right Side Of The Wrong Bed

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I feel a type of warmth on my face and peek one eye open, shutting it immediately.

I slowly and carefully open up my eyes, expecting to be in my purple covered bed. But, instead, my head is resting on a blue pillow in a unfamiliar, navy blue room. The first thought that popped into my head was - Where am I? But that immediately left my mind as  the sweet smell of apricot filled my nostrils. I hum in delight, then realize I'm not the only one in the room.

"Oh, Sage, you're up." A voice says, making a shiver rip down my spine and put my head back a little. I take a shakey breath in,

"Yeah," I reply. For some reason, Devon smirks but as soon as it came, it left.

"Are you okay?" Devon questions.

"Peachy," I answer sarcastic. "Where am I, by the way?" I ask, remembering what I was wondering earlier.

"Oh yeah, you're at my house." He says like it's nothing.

"Um, why?"

"Sage, do you remember anything from last night?" Devon questions.

"No, why? Did you rape me?!" Devon laughs,

"No, I didn't rape you. Um, uh, you were walking back to your house and, uh, tripped over a sidewalk pipe and hit your head. I brought you here," Devon explains. That doesn't sound like something I'd do.. I'm quite careful when it comes to that kinda stuff..

"Um, okay. Thank you, I guess."

"No problem, Sage," I shiver. Devon smirks. "Do you need a ride home?"

"Yes, please. Wait, what time is it?"

"It's," He checks his phone. "1:45pm."

"Shit! How long was I out?" I ask, panicking.

"Um, since about 11 o'clock?" He says unsure.

"We're missing school!" Devon laughs. Why is he laughing?

"School was canceled. Something about a bomb threat. I don't know, but whatever. Anyway, even if there was school today, you needed rest." Devon answered.

"Oh, okay. Thanks again." I say, looking down, embarrassed.

Devon grabs my chin making me hum in the pleasure of his touch and lifts my head up.

"No need to thank me, Sage." He says softly, smiling widely. I smile back, unwillingly, unable to hold it back.

Hey guys! So sorry it's so sort!!!

I just needed to update!!!

Did ya guys like it?!

Some #Sevon in this chapter haha

Does anyone listen to Ed Sheeran? The chapter name is based on his song Drunk lol.

Well, I got to go! School tomorrow >.< ewwwwy haha

I'll update soon!

-Potato Writer

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