10| The Beauty Of A Kiss

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Katherine was peacefully sleeping in her bed, when suddenly, she heard a loud thump from the first floor. The brunette woke up and groaned, getting out of her warm bed.

Tiptoeing to the kitchen, she saw no one other than Jughead. He was already wearing his beanie, while also cooking or, at least trying to cook, pancakes.

"You suck at this," Katherine scoffed, standing at the doorway. Eventually, she came over to the dark haired boy, who had flinched at her sudden appearance and dropped the uncooked batter on the floor,
"I'll teach you."

"Don't you know that it's rude to sneak up on people?" Jughead playfully asked, letting the brunette take the pan, while he grabbed a tissue to clean the spilled pancake batter.

"Well, this is, sort of, my house," She raised an eyebrow,
"I make the rules."

"Right," He muttered,
"Thank you, by the way, for letting me stay here."

The two grinned at each other, before getting back at making breakfast.


After the two had breakfast, Jughead left. He told the brunette something about him and Betty trying to rescue Polly Cooper. However, Katherine, being the jealous and greedy person she is, decided to tag along.

Jug and Kat were at the Blue & Gold office, waiting for Betty.

"I found it!" The blonde exclaimed as soon as she entered the office,
"The Sisters of Quiet Mercy. What is that, like a church?"

"No," Jughead spoke as soon as he finished typing,
"It's a home for troubled youths. Where disenfranchised teens will learn such virtues as discipline and respect, enjoying lives of quiet reflection and servitude."

"Poor Polly..." Betty whispered.

Jughead thought it was rather strange, that the brunette hadn't said a word after Betty came in. He turned around to look at her, seeing that she looked upset.

And she was... "The Sisters of Quiet Mercy" was the place where she spent last summer, making up for the sins she had done. The girl never saw Polly and the reason for that was Katherine's certain behavior in the hospital for the mentally troubled. When the doctors brought her in, they thought she was just naturally crazy. They kept the girl in a straight jacket for a few days, while feeding her through a tube. Then, the brunette got better, but it was still prohibited for her to go out of her room.

"Katherine," Dr Kingston's soft voice echoed,
"I need you to tell me what happened."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She harshly replied, not even sparing the doctor a glance.

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