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A/N Cuz I feel like writing yow!


"So... looking at the results. Obviously, they would win! Karma is overly protective of Nagisa! You know!" Nakamura said as they all sat for dinner inside their old classroom. Ordering Chinese food sounded like a good thing and being the gazillionaire Nagisa was it was his treat and he didn't complain at all. Which was something good for them all.

"Nagisa is the same you know! He's looks like he was ready to kill me when I saw him aim that sniper at me!" Chiba exasperated as he was already a bit drunk and Hayami had to knock him in the head to quiet him down.

They all enjoyed but there was one thing bothering Nagisa.

It was too peaceful.


"So. Nagisa what you got for us?" Isogai asked as he approached the almost stiff body of Nagisa who was concentrating hard on making plans to improve everyone. Isogai lightly brushed Nagisa's shoulder, making Nagisa alert and almost tackled Isogai to the ground if it weren't for Karma being beside the latter. Pulling Isogai by the collar, possibly avoiding being strangled to death by the blueberry. Karma saved his life. Literally and figuratively.

"Thanks Karma..."

"No problem Isogai..." Karma said while putting Isogai aside and going next to the blueberry. He sat there looking at the concentrated look the blueberry currently had while speedily (in human standards) writing down notes for every one of them. It's like they just saw another version of Koro-sensei in human form.

"What you got going on there, little blueberry?" Karma said while peering over Nagisa's shoulder.

"Training menus... for everyone." Nagisa said while continuing what he was doing until the last period has been written. They were currently in the cafe the one that Isogai and Maehara owned, that had been magically renovated and made bigger thanks to an Anonymous Donator a.k.a a person with the initials S.N.

"Ohh! Good luck with that..." Karma said nonchalantly while making his way to the counter to order a cup of coffee for the both. A ding from the doorbell was heard and he saw Koro-sensei and Yukimura-sensei strolling in with a little more sense in fashion. Probably because of Koro-sensei because to be honest. Aguri Yukimura's style consisted of nonsensical fashion sense, you would not hire her as a fashion designer even if you were given a thousand dollars.

"Hello Koro-sensei, Yukimura-sensei!" Karma said while ordering another pair of coffee for the newcomers. As well as a blueberry cheesecake. One whole cake to be exact. Which was Nagisa's favorite.

"Nagisa's over there trying to create plans for the others." Karma said jabbing his finger in Nagisa's direction who was still engrossed with the papers in front of him. Did those papers just double?

"Ahh! I'll go help him out then!" Koro-sensei said before proceeding towards the booth where Nagisa was and greeting him casually to which Nagisa smiled and offered him a seat. Both Aguri and Karma looked towards them and both sighed in worry.

"It's hard... sometimes being away from them. In their own little world..." Aguri said and Karma couldn't agree more. Both were in the same situation. It was as if they were being divided from law-abiding citizens versus law-abiding citizens with intentions to kill under the law.

Being lovers with assassins would take a toll on their sanity. But they trusted their partners not to do anything suspicious. Or they would know the consequences of it.

"Well. We just got to live with it you know. Especially now that your class is being targeted... it would seem unfair for the two of them not to act especially they are still the most hired assassins in this world. They can protect and destroy just by being there. They can turn around the direst situations... They can either be a savior or destroyer... They can be whoever they want to be." Aguri said while Karma just looked at his little blueberry... He knew that Nagisa was guilty of this crime. Guilty of them being targeted. Guilty of them being prey. It was something that Karma didn't want to see his blueberry suffering from.

"Well we can't really stop them... That's for sure" Aguri said while looking towards Koro-sensei with a worried expression.

She didn't want him to go back to what he used to before but. It was something they had to.

This was already something that they had to help with.


During these nights, Karma and Nagisa would not sleep but it seems that it was something their body needed.

"Nagisa. Let's go to sleep, shall we?" Karma said yawning while carrying his Nagisa who scratched his eyes like a child and nodded ever so slightly. Karma set him down just on the edge of the bed and pulled out the hair tie that was tying up the bluenette's hair

"Nagisa. You have no plan of cutting this, now are you?" Karma said while fiddling with the edges of Nagisa's hair.

"None at the moment.." Nagisa said while looking Karma straight in the eyes. Looking at Karma's intoxicating amber eyes was enough to send Nagisa's head into a frenzy. He felt so weak when it comes to the red-head and fortunately for him the red-head felt the same.

"Karma..." Nagisa breathed out fanning his minty breath against Karma's lips.

"What is it Nagisa??"

"Kiss me..."

"With pleasure." Karma smiled before kissing the bluenette fully on his plump lips, his hands gliding over Nagisa's waist before settling just above his butt. Nagisa moaned as Karma deepened the kiss, casually sliding his tongue inside Nagisa's hot mouth.

"Nagisa... my sweet blueberry. Let me eat you up" Karma whispered to Nagisa while trailing butterfly kisses on Nagisa's jaw making the smaller one let out a raspy moan. He was feeling so much sensation from the red head that his mind was a blur. Before he knew it. Their clothes were already on the floor and Karma was already dominating his entire being.

"Ka-Karma!" Nagisa squealed as the older one continued to making every nerve on his body respond to his touches.

"I love you Nagisa" Karma said and Nagisa sighed.

"I love you too Karma"

The whole night was filled with their sweet music.


They both woke up in each other's arms but something alarmed Nagisa who immediately grabbed a hidden knife underneath their bed before turning to the figure that was on their terrace. Karma scrambling taking another knife which was hidden beside their bed.

Luckily for them, they weren't going to be embarrassed because they were clad in boxer shorts.

"Who are you?" Nagisa said readying his stance to attack the intruder. The shadow had chuckled before leaving a note for the two people and back wheeling out of their terrace. Nagisa wanted to chase after the being but Karma stopped him.

"If he was here to kill us, he would've done so in our sleep. Which means this not-" Karma had held up the note. "-is of somewhat importance for us" he continued while flipping the note open.

The only words that were there were.



Dun dun duuuuun xD well now! Let's give you guys a short update on thiz okay??? :) See you in the next oneeees ^_^

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