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Zayn could hear Harry’s 'mood music' playing down the hall. 'Mood music' was the loud, heavy metal music that Harry played when he was getting ready for a party. He claimed it 'hyped' him up and got him ready for a 'crazy night of fun'. Zayn never understood how, in a dorm block full of people who should be studying for their classes, Harry gets away with playing Metallica so loudly. But, he manages to do it, and it makes Zayn admire him even more than before.

Zayn hears the music stop and he knows Harry is about to head out. He sets his textbook down and waits for the knock. A few seconds after he hears Harry close the door to his own dorm, it comes. Zayn never wants to seem desperate or too excited, so he always waits a few minutes to let Harry in. After a few beats pass, he opens the door to see Harry looking as delicious as ever in his usual party attire: skin tight black jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt, with his hair pushed back into a curly quiff.

“Hey, Z.” Harry smiles, hugging Zayn and walking into his room like he lives there himself. It’s a good thing Zayn’s parents paid extra for a single dorm and Harry is his best friend, and sadly only that. They both know that there’s something there, but Zayn is too afraid to make a move, and Harry doesn’t want to ruin their friendship if Zayn doesn’t feel the same.

“I will never understand how the hell you can listen to that hard core rock one minute, then bubblegum pop the next. You don’t even like rock music.” Zayn says as he hugs Harry. He has to force himself to let his best friend go.

“Yeah, I know. It’s only good for party prep.” Harry laughs. “You just gonna stay in and study tonight?” Harry asks, smiling suspiciously.

“Of course, such is my life.” Zayn says. He looks closely at Harry’s eyes and face. “Are you high already?” He asks Harry, incredulously, noticing the red in his eyes and the dopey smile on his face.

Harry nods slowly. He knows Zayn hates when Harry comes around him high, but it’s just how he is. Getting high is another way he gets ready for a long night of partying. “I’m sorry, Z. Come back.” Harry whines, making grabby hands towards his best friend when Zayn rolls his eyes and walks back to his bed, sitting down and ignoring Harry. Harry walks over to Zayn’s bed and lays himself over the other boys outstretched legs.

“Harry, get off. You’re huge and hurting my legs.” Zayn says, trying to push Harry off of his legs, and his bed in general. “Don’t you have somewhere to go?” Zayn is tempted to just kiss Harry because he’s so adorable when he’s being all pouty and childish, but Harry knows how he feels about him being high. He can’t tell Harry not to smoke, but he simply asks that he stays away from him when he is. Harry never asked why it was such a problem to Zayn, so Zayn never felt the need to tell.

“Yeah, but I can’t go until you give me ‘the talk’ and tell me bye. Which you can’t do until you forgive me. I said I was sorry, I swear I won’t do it again.” Harry pleads, wrapping his arms around Zayn’s waist and cuddling his face into Zayn’s shirt. “You smell like you, and I love it a lot.” Harry said, taking in Zayns smell.

Zayn breaks then, gently slapping Harry on the cheek and laughing. “Okay, fine. I forgive you, just don’t do it again.” Zayn says, trying to be stern. He pushes Harry’s shoulders, signaling for him to sit up so that Zayn can give him ‘the talk’. (Which was basically just Zayn’s ‘expectations’, what Harry should and should not get into, and really, just Zayn being the parent figure that Harry never had.)

“Listen, Harry.” Zayn said, doing his best fatherly voice and resting his hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Be careful tonight. If you get so intoxicated that you can’t drive yourself, call me. You know I’d be more than happy to come and get you. Don’t drink, or take. anything unless you’re sure it’s alright. Pace yourself, make sure you’re safe. Don’t take chances you don’t have to. Whoever you decide to fuck tonight, be safe.” Zayn says, internally cringing at the thought of Harry fucking someone, though he knows it happens all of the time. Zayn continues lecturing his best friend about all of the things he knows Harry has heard from him a million times, but always makes Zayn to tell him again and again, every time he goes to a party, for whatever reason.

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