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{~•~Amu's POV~•~}
It was Friday. I was walking home. I ended up in front of my house pretty quick. When I walked in the door I saw my mom standing in front of me arms crossed.

"Amu." She said frowning. "I have to go somewhere for awhile." She said. Huh what does she mean? "I won't be back for a few months."

"Why?" I asked. "R-r-reasons..." she said. "Um ok?" I said. "Wait what do I do?" I asked. "Well you can stay with a relative or stay here." She said.

"I'll stay here." I said. To be honest I hate my relatives there're so annoying. "Then you can stay with a friend." My mother said. "I already talked to Ikuto and he said you could stay with him in his apartment." My mother said smiling.

"Huh? Stay with Ikuto?" I said. "Yes here's your stuff bye!" My mom said giving me a bag pushing me out the door. Huh?? I looked inside the bag and saw everything I need clothes, hair brush, phone charger, books, toothbrush , etc.

"Uh so I'm staying at Ikutos." I said. "Wait! I don't know where he lives!!" I yelled. I got my phone out and started looking for Ikuto's number.

Found it! I called it listening to the ring. After a bit he picked up. "Hello?" He asked. " mom said I'm staying with you?" I said. "Oh yeah I'll send you the address." He said.

"Oh ok um bye." I said. "Cya." He said hanging up. Ikuto.


Here's chapter 13 of I'll make you happy! I'm sorry it's kinda short but I'm in the car and don't really have much time to write.

The next chapter will be about amu staying with Ikuto. And Amu's mom doing this kicking Amu out of the house is really important for a certain chapter. Hope you enjoyed bye!!

Published: May 2, 2017

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