Chapter 6

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Sorry for the wait on the new update. I wrote this chapter in a day and wanted to post it so you weren't waiting too much longer. Without further ado, the chapter.

~Normal POV~

Griffin and Abby walked to their first class of the day. They talked along the way. Well, more like Griffin talked. It was obvious that Abby didn't want to be there, but of course Griffin didn't notice that. He talked the whole way about sports and how people are already looking to give him scholarships to schools for his skills.

"Yeah, so at the football game the other day, there were people from colleges looking for people to give scholarships to. They came up to me afterwards and said that I have some serious talent. It was weird for me as, you know, we're only juniors. I think I could end up getting a scholarship to a good school, ya know," Griffin ranted. He was very proud of himself.

'Can I strangle him? Wait, I'd go to jail. But that is better than here anyday. I'd get in serious trouble though. Where would I hide the body?' Abby thought to herself. The last question was the deciding factor, she'll leave him for today.

'I'll leave him be. But seriously can he shut the hell up about his stupid football career. That's all he's talked about this entire time. But the over-joyfulness is like radiating off of him,' she thought again.

Finally they got to the classroom. To Abby it felt like they took 7 detours to one classroom. To Griffin it felt like no time at all.

"Hey, so I know Kirsten set us up for a date tonight. I was thinking we could go dinner. I will pick you up at 7pm," Griffin says before walking to his desk at the back of the class.

Abby went to go sit down herself. Right before she could, someone grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the classroom. It was Tessa.

"Where were you?" she says a little harshly.

"Where was I? Where were you?!" Abby whisper-yelled. "I had to walk to class with Griffin. Kirsten wanted me to. I was hoping that you'd save me from that hell and you didn't come."

"Well sorry, but when I did get here you were nowhere to be seen," Tessa said.

"Griffin took like 7 detours throughout the school so he could continue talking about his F'ing football career. Plus I have to go on a date with this guy after school. I seriously want to strangle him."

The both of them went back to class after their conversation. Soon school ended and Abby went to pick up Zach and go home.

~Abby's POV~

Zach and I got home, and my parents were sitting in the kitchen. That's weird, they are never home at this time.

"Oh good. You two are home. Zach go do what you please, we want to talk to Abby." my father states. Zach drops his backpack and runs upstairs. I cautiously walk towards my parents.

"What do you need with me?" I ask.

"Abby, your father and I thought it would be best to set you up with a counselor to help with your mental health. Your first appointment is tomorrow after school at about 4:00," my mother says. This makes me quite upset as I kind of burst in front of them.

"What?!" But why? I'm completely fine dealing with it myself. If I need help I'll go to Tessa."

"You're going and that's final. On more exciting news, I heard you are going on a date tonight with the school's biggest jock. You got lucky, those kids don't just like anyone. You must be something special," my mom says changing the subject to my date. I roll my eyes.

"Mom, I can't stand him. He walked me to first period today and he only talked about his football career. I really was debating on strangling him."

"You never know, he could change entirely on this date. You might end up changing your mind about him. Maybe you don't know the real him. He could be a complete gentleman." she says. She's not going to make me change my mind. I don't like him and I doubt I'll ever like him.

I go upstairs in my bedroom to think about what just happened. I really hate my family sometimes.

I wish I never saw your face

Then I wouldn't need a place to frame you in my mind

Hanging on the wall

My memories and all

But you're not tangible

Stuck on sentimental

The history we never had

Almost accidental

The way you live inside my head

And I would kill to be a mile away

Or feel the breath you'll take

But fate won't let me

Distance disturbs me

Now I wish we never met

I wish I could forget who you are

Distance disturbs me

'Cause we just can't connect

I found my one regret and it was you

Distance disturbs me

Separated by a screen

It's just a bittersweet success with a dash of failure

I'm hanging by a thread

Intentions cut to shreds

I'm starting to lose my grip

So someone please distract me

I need a new obsession

Am I just going crazy?

I'll never learn my lesson because

I would kill to be a mile away

To feel the breath you'll take

But fate won't let me

Distance disturbs me

Now I wish we never met

I wish I could forget who you are

Distance disturbs me

'Cause we just can't connect

I found my one regret and it was you

Distance disturbs me

Throw it all away

For just one rainy day

Throw it all away

For just one rainy day with you

With you

I would kill to be a mile away

Or feel the breath you'll take but fate won't let me

Distance disturbs me

Now I wish we never met

I wish I could forget who you are (who you are)

Distance disturbs me

'Cause we just can't connect

I found my one regret and it was you

I found my one regret and it was you

I found my one regret and it was you.


Hey hope you liked the chapter. It's almost summer so I'll try to post more, but I have a very short this summer because of construction. *Silently cries* Either way, hope your day is great and have a happy mother's day tomorrow!

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