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I woke up and saw Camila beside me.

"Good morning." I said in a raspy morning voice.

I smiled at her, she's still sleeping. I stared at her face. Her eyes, her nose and ... Her lips. Damn, stop it lauren.

But I couldn't.

I continued to stare at her like a weirdo. I kissed Camila, just a simple peck.

I cooked her breakfast and served it in her bed.

"Wow breakfast in bed?" she woked up.

"Morning Camz"

"Morning Lo." I started eating with her. After eating, I stood up and removed my shirt. Camila choked the food she's eating.

"Are you okay?" I asked and caressed her back.

"I'm fine." she drank some water.

I went in front of the cabinet and removed my shorts.

"Lauren!" Camila shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"There's a bathroom if you want to change clothes." she said.

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked." I smirked.

"That was like 10 years ago, get over it." I saw Camila blush.

"We were like 8 but I can still remember everything." I winked at her.

I went beside Camila with only my undergarments.

"What are you doing?" Camila finally finished her food.

"I don't feel like changing my clothes, could you help me please." I pouted.

"Ugh fine. Just because you know I couldn't resist you." she said.

"You couldn't resist me?" I asked.

"Your pouts." she corrected me.

She helped me changed clothes and I went out the room so she can change. After a few minutes, I barged back in. I jumped to the bed but stopped mid-air when I realized that Camila was looking at me. She's still in her towel!

"We're going to the mall by the way." I informed her.

"Why are we going there?" she asked as she went out the bathroom with clothes on.

"Find love." I said in her infamous duh tone.

"Are you mocking me?" she acted like she's offended.

"Nope." I said and went out the room.


"How are you going to find your true love in a place like this?" I asked her.

"Use your heart not your head. Maybe you can also use a little bit of your head."

We were holding hands while walking so that none of us will get lost. We passed by a bear with a hug me sign card.

"I want. I want!" Camila screamed like a child.

"Here you go." I hugged her.

"Lauren.I.Can't.Breathe." she said.

I let go of her and she was so red.

"I'm sorry Camz. I think you're lacking oxygen in your body. You're turning red." I pinched her cheeks.

"Your turn." she hugged me but because I was taller she was having a hard time.

"Nice try." I patted her head.

She frowned and crossed her arms.

"Are you upset?" I asked.

I sat down.

"What are you doing?"

"Making it easier for you. Free piggy back ride."

"Yay!" Camila went on my back.

I stood up and held her feet for support.

"Let's go home."

10 Ways To Fall In Love (Camren) Where stories live. Discover now