Chapter One

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*Patsy's POV*

Another hectic day has drawn to a close. I am now lying in be, my wonderful fiance by my side. They really were not joking about two being the worst age. I love my girl's but it's just getting to be too much. Delia really is wonderful, and she has helped so much but she has work and study. It took 3 hours to finally get the children to bed and the minute Delia's head hit the pillow, she was out. I miss how it used to be. Just Delia and I. Staying up to all hours doing devilry. I miss it.

Trixie has also been a massive help. Without her we'd be lost.

I turn over and look at my beautiful Delia, how did I get so lucky?
I stroked her cheek, she stirred slightly but thankfully didn't wake. I pull in closer and drape my arm over her. I shut my eyes and Delia & I's breathing seems to be in sync. Just has I was about to drift off, the door burst open.

'Mummy, I had a nightmare.' Hope sniffled.
I walk over and scoop her up, 'I guess you'll be sleeping with us?' I smile.
'Can I?' She asks, now slightly more cheery.
'Of course. Try not wake Mam though' I say.

Just as I am getting back in to bed, I hear a scream from their bedroom. I walk tiredly down the corridor.

'What's up baby?' I ask, kneeling beside her bed.
'H...H..Hope's been kidnapped' She exclaims.
I can't help but laugh, 'No she hasn't, you goose! She's just in with me and mam.' I smile, fingering through her hair.
She sniffles, 'Can I come in too?' She asks.
'I suppose you can' I say, scooping her up.
We walk back into the room and Hope and Delia are sleeping.
'Ssh now boo, Mam and Hope are sleeping.' I whisper.
'Okay Mummy' She whispers back.

I lay her beside Hope and tuck my three girls in properly.
I trod back to the twins room and fetch a blanket, then walk back. I lay across the foot of the bed and throw the blanket over me. I love and hate these nights, and my back always hates me the morning after, but in a sense, it's worth it. I just wish Delia would wash her feet.
I finally switch off once I hear my girls are asleep, thankful this day is over.

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