Old friends & New rivals (part 1)

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Heart Attack-Demi Lovato (Nightcore version) 

Yume's POV

"Wow!" I yelled so loud that I may have hurt my mom's and my best friend's ears. "We're finally here!" 

"Yume-chan, can you please stop screaming. It is hurting my ears," Koharu-chan whined, as she started to take the luggage out of the car.

"Sorry," I apologized and helped her with all the suitcases. "Have you decided what camp activities you wanted to do yet?" 

"No. Not yet," she replied. "How about you?" 

"Yes, I have," I told her. "I want to be in Song Cabin." 

"Did you forget that we have to audition to get into the cabins?" Koharu-chan asked.

"Aww man, I forgot about that part." I said while pouting. 

"Hello, are you new here?" A friendly voice asked behind me. 

Hime's POV 

"Oh, yes we are," a girl with purple hair and red glasses said. I saw a girl beside her with blonde  and pink hair. In her hand, I saw a song book. Her mom was behind the two girls. 

"Ok let me introduce myself" I told them "Hi, my name is Shiratori Hime, and I am the Song class counselor. I am also a part of the idol group : S4." 

"Hi, my name is Yume," the girl with pink and blonde hair said. "The girl with purple hair is Koharu-chan and the woman behind us is my mother." 

"It is a pleasure to meet you all." I told them. I hope the girl with the pink hair is in the Song Cabin this summer. For some reason, I have a feeling that this girl is going to make camp this year very interesting. 

Yume's POV

I can't believe that I am talking to Shiratori Hime in person! I have seen her on t.v before, but never in person until now. 

"Do you need help locating your cabin?" Hime-senpei asked. 

"Yes please," Koharu-chan and I spoke in unison. Hime-senpei looked at her clipboard until she found our names.

"You turn right from the lake and go past the first four cabins to reach the cabins for new campers." She said. "Both of you are in Cabin Five." (The first four cabins are for the female students who are already in Four Stars Academy)

" Arigato." I said, and took off toward the cabin, with my luggage in my hands. 

"Yume-chan, wait up!" Koharu-chan whined as she took off behind me. 

Subaru's POV

Me and the rest of M4 were just walking around the lake, (hoping to avoid crazy fan girls ), when all of a sudden, a pink and blond blur crashed into me, and knocked us both into the lake. I landed on my backside, and the pink and blond blur landed on top of me.

"Hey, what was that for ?!!" I groaned as I tried to sit up. Luckily, the lake is a bit shallow. 

"Ehh, Gomenosia !" the pink and blond- haired blob said while she was trying to sit up. As I looked closely, I realized that the blob was actually a girl. 

"Can you get off me now?" I asked, starting to feel a light pink tint on my face. 

"Oh sure," she said and hopped off of me, her face as red as a tomato. 

"Hey, now you look like a tomato," I said, laughing in the process as I got up. 

"Sorry that I caused you trouble," she said quickly, and took off in the direction of the girl's cabins. I got a feeling that I will be seeing this girl really soon. 

"Well that was a scene," Nozomu said, scaring me badly. The rest of M4 were just trailing behind him. 

"Hey, it's not nice to sneak up on someone," I said startled. 

"We were here the entire time," Kanata said, taking off his headphones. "You just didn't notice."

"Who was the girl, Subaru?" Asahi asked. 

"The weird thing was, I never got her name," I responded. "But, I know we will see her around sometime." 

"Subaru's got a crush!" Asahi sing-songed. 

"What! No I don't!" I yelled. 

"Then how come you are blushing?" Kanata asked. 

"No I'm not!" I retaliated. 

"Surrree," all three of them answered at the same time. 

"Oooo! Is that Subaru Yūki from M4?!" a fangirl shouted at us. 

"Crap!" I said. 

"Run!!" Nozomu yelled. We ran to the boy's Song Cabin, since it was the closest cabin to us. We locked the doors right after Kanata scrambled in. Then we just hanged there until lunchtime. 

Yume's POV

"Wow!" I exclaimed, as I entered the cabin. It was amazing! The inside of the cabin was made of wood and it had a cozy, little fireplace as well. I walked down the hallway to claim my room. I noticed that three of the five rooms had luggage in them, so I chose the pink room, which was one of the other rooms left. Koharu-chan chose the dark purple room that was the last room available. I unpacked my clothes and took my songbook to the kitchen, to get  something to munch on. 

As I came closer to the kitchen, I noticed a chattering of noises coming from there. I walked through the doorway, and saw three girls. One of them  had red hair with the top of their hair in the shape of a bow; another had dirty-blond hair with streaks of peach in her hair, and the last one had bubblegum-pink hair. 

"Hi" I said to them. "My name is Nijino Yume and I am one of your new cabin mates . 

"Hello," the girl with the dirty-blond hair said. "My name is Kasumi Mahiru. The one with the red hair is Saotome Ako, and the one with bubblegum-pink hair is Sakuraba Laura." 

"Nice to meet you Mahiru-chan, Ako-chan, and Laura-chan" I said 

"Nice to meet you too, Yume-chan," the three of the, said in unison. 

All of a sudden, my songbook fell out of my hands, and onto the table, opening on the song that I recently finished. It was called 'Heart Attack'. Also, a picture fell out of the same page. That picture was taken when I was younger. It was when the group was still together. We all went to the beach for my birthday and took a group picture as a  souvenir. I kept it in my songbook as a bookmark. It helped me get inspiration for new songs sometimes. 

Mahiru-chan picked up the picture and examined it closely. Then she showed it to Ako and Laura-chan and asked, "Why do you have a picture of us three when were younger," pointing to Ako-chan and Laura-chan in the process. 

 Dun Dun Dunn! So how did Yume have a picture of them when they were younger? Well you will have to wait for part two of this chapter to come out in order to reveal hidden secrets from the past. 

I am so sorry for not keeping my promise that I wrote this extra long chapter for you guys. To make it up to you, I will post the next chapter sometime during the weekend. (It is Friday where I live) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and write in the comments section about what you think about the chapter. I will see all of you soon!- dark wolf-1

P.S  Who should  Nozomu be paired with: Mahiru or Laura? Tell me in the comments below!! I will count the votes next Saturday and will announce Nozomu's pair in the following chapter. (Not in part two of  this chapter, but the chapter after that) 

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