Old Friends & New Rivals (part 3)

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From the last chapter 

When I was singing, someone else was singing the lyrics as well. I was shocked because that song was the first song I ever made. My best friend and I were working on the song before he had to move away. I turned my head to see a boy with chocolate brown hair singing with me. We were just singing until the song was over. He looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw him. 

I was thinking for so long, that I didn't realize it was time to leave the classroom. I grabbed my songbook and started to leave the classroom, when all of a sudden.......

Yume's POV 

I slipped on some water and I landed on the person in front of me, which happened to be the boy who was singing with me during introductions. " Gomenosia," I said to the boy as I was standing up. "I didn't mean to fall on you." 

"It's ok," he said, as he was standing up. Then he asked, "Do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar." I thought about his question and realized that he was the person who I crashed into this morning. 

"I think you know me because I crashed into you this morning," I responded. "Sorry about that." I started to turn red from embarrassment, remembering that scene. 

"Oh, it's fine," he responded. "Tomato." 

"I AM NOT A TOMATO!" I yelled, my cheeks turning red from anger. 

"Then how come your face is turning red?" He asked, laughing at the same time. "I am Yūki Subaru, a counselor in the song cabin." 

"My name is Nijino Yume and I am a camper this year. I want to be in the Song Cabin," I said, my face turning back to normal. 

I bent down to pick up my song book, but what I didn't relized was that he was doing the same thing. When my hand got on my book, I lifted my head up, and we accidentally kissed. Wait, THIS JERK STOLE MY FIRST KISS! I stood up quickly and put my hand on my lips, my face turning red (again). I looked at him and he was doing the exact same thing as me. 

Subaru's POV

WHAT JUST HAPPENED! All I was doing was trying to help her pick up her book, and the next thing that happens is that we kissed. I stood up and put my hands over my mouth, with my face turning red. I looked at her, and she was doing the same thing as me. I was about to try talking to her when she ran out of the room. I can't believe that girl was my first kiss. I didn't even get to ask her about the song she sang today. I need to find her soon and talk to her, but right now, we both needed some space. 

Laura's POV 

OMG! I just saw what happened with Yume and Subaru from M4! I texted Mahiru about what happened, and she decided that we needed to get them together ASAP. I waited outside of the classroom until Yume came out. "So, Yume?" I asked, making her jump a foot in the air. 

"L-L-Laura, what are you doing here. Wait, did you see what happened?" She asked me. I gave her a nod. "I don't want to talk about it right now." 

"Alright Yume," I said. "But, you have to tell all of us at the cabin, what really happened. " 

"Fine," she said reluctantly. "I am going to do that because I know you guys won't stop pestering me about it." 

"Your right," I said, starting to run down the hall. "Hurry up Yume, they are about to serve lunch!" 

"Coming!" she yelled, running after me.  

After lunch 

Ako's POV

During lunch, I noticed Yume was acting very weird. Mahiru and Laura were in a deep conversation while squealing about something. 'How come no one ever tells me anything,' I wondered, walking around the campgrounds. Then, I saw my 'precious' Subaru-kyun with his unit mates. 

"Subaru-kyun!" I squealed, very quietly while hiding behind a tree. I attempted to straighten out my clothes and my hair. Then I peeked out from behind the tree, to see that Subaru-kyun and the rest of M4 were gone! 'Darn it, I missed my chance.' I muttered scornfully. I turned around, to see M4's Kanata Kira, in front of my face. 

"It's not nice to spy on someone," Kanata said 

"NYYYYYYYAAAA!" I yelled, jumping a foot back. "HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW I WAS HERE?!" 

"You are not as quiet as you think, Kitty" he responded in a cool manner, pushing his glasses onto his face. 

"NYYYYYYAAAAA!" I yelled again, attempting to scratch him with my cat paw gloves. Unfortunately for me, he dodged every attack I threw at him. Then I did a surprise attack on him and it succeeded. The bad news was that I fell on top of him. Both of our faces started to turn red, while I quickly hopped off of him. I turned around and ran to my cabin. I flopped onto my bed and took a nap until the others got back. 

And that's the end of part three. I am sorry to cut this chapter short, but I hoped you enjoyed it. I tried to incorporate Kanako for this chapter for the people who requested it. I know it's not a lot now, but it is just getting started. Don't forget to comment about who should be Nozomu's pair for this story. Please comment and vote on the story. See you soon-dark-wolf1 

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