Old Friends & New rivals (part 5)

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Drag Me Down-One Direction ( Nightcore version)

From the last chapter

Laura slammed the door shut and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the living room. Then she said, "Yume, it's now time for you to fulfill your part of the deal."

"Ok," I sighed, knowing that there was nothing I could do to stop this.

"Wait, what deal?" Ako and Koharu-chan asked.
Yume's POV
Mahiru-chan leaned over and whispered into their ears about what happened earlier today. Koharu-chan's expression was in the state of shock, while Ako-chan's expression was anger.
I explained to them everything that happened (except the kiss) , but Laura-chan wouldn't let me go back to my room until I explained that part. I quickly did that, and ran to my room afterwards, my face turning tomato red in the process. I stuffed my face into my pillow and eventually fell asleep.
Time skip : the next day
I woke up at 6 am due to a certain female meowing and purring in her sleep. I brushed my teeth and put on a track suit. I brushed my hair, tying it in it usual pigtails. I quietly closed my room door and tiptoed out of the hall. I went outside, and started to jog around the camp.
After jogging for a while, I started to get tired so I walked to a tree and sat against it. As I looked around, I realized that I had no clue where I was! Then slowly my vision started to get blurry, and I fell asleep.
Subaru's POV
I woke up at 7 and got out of bed. Suddenly, the events that happened yesterday came running back to me. I felt my face start to heat up just thinking about it. 'Why am I acting like this over a girl! You've got to snap out of it, Subaru!' I thought to myself. I changed into my blue tracksuit, and go for a run.
As I was running, I noticed a girl sitting against a tree, her eyes closed, and her expression relaxed. Wait, that's the girl that stole my first kiss! My face started to heat up just looking at her. I hid my blush and checked my watch. It read 7:45. Breakfast started at 8 and camp activities start at 8:45. I was pretty sure that she didn't want to miss breakfast, so I walk towards her, and started to shake her shoulders.
"Mommy, 5 more minutes," she said tiredly.
"Sorry, but I'm not your mom," I said, chuckling.
Yume's POV
I heard someone chuckling and decided to open my eyes to see who it was. To my surprise, it was the guy who stole my first kiss! My face started to turn red just looking at him. "How was your nap, little tomato?" He asked while standing up.
My face started to turn a deeper shade of red because of my anger. "I am not a tomato! " I yelled.
"Then how come your face is red?" He asked while laughing.
"Uggghhhh!" I groaned, storming away from the area. I'm glad I did because when I glanced back, that guy was surrounded by a ton of girls. "I wouldn't want to be in his spot. " I said to myself. I turned my head forward and realized that I WAS JUST A MILE AWAY FROM THE GIRL'S CABINS! I can be such an idiot sometimes.
Hey guys, I am so sorry about not keeping my promise with you all. A lot of things happened during the summer and right now, we are in school, so I might not update sometimes. I try to make a chapter at least once a month. Hopefully I will see you soon. -dark-wolf1

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