Shes the one

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Harry's P.O.V

I just needed to get away from the boys for a while . I love them and all but I like to be by myself once and a while and today is one of theses days . I headed to abandon park hopping no fans would notice me . Then out of no where a dog comes running towards me knocking me down .

" omg I'm so so so sorry he just like meeting other people " A girl my age said running up to me , pulling the dog off of me and extending a hand to help me up .

She had curly dark hair that was set to the side .when she glanced up at me our eyes locked mine getting lost in her big brown chocolate brown eyes . I keeper staring until I noticed her hand hanging there while she just looked at me confusingly .

I gladly took it and looked at her waiting for her to ask for an auto graph or tell me to follow her on twitter ...but it never came she just stood there looking at her converse scowling her dog .

" it's okay pretty dog " I smiled at her getting hope I can actually talk to someone with worrying that they are just using me because I'm " harry styles from one direction" .

" thanks I got him a while ago but he is kinda hard getting control of " she said patting the dogs head smiling at him . you could tell she loves the dog and would die just from looking at the way she looked at it . I couldn't help but stare her brown hair in curly locks all the way down her back , her smile can light up anyone's in a second .She is short maybe 5'3 but it suits her very well. I snapped out of my daze when she started putting the Leash back on getting up ready to walk away .

" wait your leaving " I asked hopping she would say no and stay here

" well yeah I'm sorry for my dog and for disturbing you " she looked at me fiddling with the hem if her shirt .

" No no no I mean you didn't disturb me at all" wait harry stop maybe she has a boyfriend .the thought just made me frown then quickly fake smile

" well nice meeting you I guess " she slowly turned around and began walking .

" you too" I whispered to myself .

I began walking the other direction until I saw a shinning object in the grass where I got tackled . I stepped closer looking closely then realizing it was a iPhone with a one direction cover . My curiosity got the best of me and I turned it on looking at the screen saver .Its the one where 5SOS and my mates took a picture all together . Smiling I swiped to the left then cursing under my breath when the pass lock came on . I tried 1,2,3 and it worked YESS .

*2 hours later *

I spent the past hour or 2 looking through her phone following her on all her social media's . Right now I'm laughing at this one picture in her gallery where her face is being shoved into her birthday cake by her family .

" what's so funny harry" Louis walked in sitting next to me trying to look.

" umm nothing " I quickly put the phone has far away as I could from him .

" oh then you wouldn't mind if I ...." He didn't even finish his sentence he snatched the phone from me and ran into the bathroom locking the door .

" LOU give it back " I pounded on the door eagerly twisting the knob trying to get in.

After about 5 minutes I gave up and slumped down leaning against the door closing my eyes .Then next thing I knew I was flying backwards and a phone shoved in my face with a screaming Lou


" A girl " I got up and took the chance and got the phone back .

" I know that but is she like a friend or best friend , a fan or maybe Girlfriend " at the end he wiggles his eyebrows getting close to me like a weird creeper would asking for your blood type .

" she's not a fan nor best friend " I sighed wishing she's was more than just a girl I met .

" good cause I thought I would have to slap you for not having me as your best friend then going and make her magically "disappear " he sighed happily rubbing his hands like an evil villain at the end making me laugh ,

" ha no worries Lou no one could ever replace you " I side-ways hugged him and that's when Niall poped out with a camera

" LARRY MOMENT " -click - and there he goes posting it everywhere now I will have everything blowing up more than usual and fans shipping Larry harder . It's not that I hate the fans shipping it . It's just that after a while it gets annoying and I start feeling uncomfortable that I can't just hang out with Lou like mates without fans calling it LARRY movements .

"What happened to NOUIS " Louis faked cried in my shoulder as I patted his back .

" shhh he will come around ....they always do " I bit my lip trying not to laugh then got a notification from the phone I picked up .

" ohhh is that your "friend " harry " Louis head snapped up looking over my shoulder as I read the text

-text - hey this is lucy umm you kinda have my phone who ever it is please can you leave it behind the trash bin before 8:00 p.m please and tink you

Finally I mentally cheered smiling at the thought of finally seeing her again . Looking back at Lou i slipped on my jacket grabbing my phone from the table .

" hey where are you going MR. Without me " Louis placed his hand on his hips raising an eyebrow

"To see her again " I responded

" harry got a crush hazzabear is growing up " I hear louis faint voice when I shut the door sneaking my way to the park realizing that what Louis said or thought was 100% true even if I didn't want it to be .


Dun dun dun harry got a little crush

Hello so yeah I updated thanks to someone that Kept asking so here it is please comment how I did and


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